How To Determine the Price of Used CPU?

^^ another option.

like i said its an option mate and not an entirely terrible 1. but i cant make that decision for you 😉
ridiculous? lol no mate thats the reality. 185 is his price. often that price is a bit higher than what the seller thinks he will get. so offering 130 isnt an insult.
it tells him your interested in making a deal without implying your looking to rip him off.

as for the other option of buying new. well its 250 for the chip then what ever you pay for a new motherboard an ram. they wont be cheap either.
look up the price of the cheapest retail 1 then offer 50% for the used 1.
used there worth about $150-£180 on ebay.
ask what oc it ran at and what cooler he used.
knock a 10er off for every .1 above 3.9 and make your offer.
if its from ebay they will likely reject your bid but if its from a mate you may be able to haggle him down to 130ish.
used is used
Reason eBay is so expensive for that CPU is that it's still a very fast chip, it's the top chip for LGA1155, and many people want to upgrade to one right now. Whomever you're buying it from could very easily put it up on eBay for those prices, rather than sell it to you.

Sorry, I'm not understanding the, "knock a 10er off for every .1 above 3.9 and make your offer." Would you purchase the 3770K for $185 US? It's a lot cheaper than what ebay is asking for.

I'm having second thoughts because it's merely for gaming and I currently have an i3-2120 and can play MOST games. I'm sure the i3 is bottlenecking my 970 FTW+.

$185 is a steal, because you could easily flip the chip on eBay.

The higher it's been overclocked, the more potential (though unlikely) degradation there is, and you can use that as a bargaining chip.

Ivy Bridge i5's are currently a lot more affording than i7's, and will offer 99% of the gaming performance.
knock 10 bux off the asking price for every 100mhz over 3.9ghz the cpu was overclocked.
so if it was oc'd to 4.4ghx knock 50 off the asking price as it was oc'd 500mhz or .5ghz over the boost clock speed.

its my personal rule of thumb and is a good starting point to haggle from. dont be scared to low ball him either. the higher the oc the less value is in the chip.
and dont take his word that he never oc'd it. if it was in a k series motherboard then theres more than a good chance its been oc'd at some point. £125 buy now price works out at $180 so no mate 185 isnt a great bargain.
thats also the first chip i came across theres likely to be cheaper to be had.
The question would be why doesn't he market the chip on ebay? Probably because he doesn't have an established reputation as people would rather buy from experienced sellers? To counter that he could just ask for $50.00 less than the average asking price.

Perhaps I should avoid all this headache from buying used and purchase everything new. The Asus P8Z68 PRO/GEN 3 MOBO and i3-2120 has been great for me these last 4 years and I could just go buy a new motherboard for $150, i5-6600K for $250 and 8 GB RAM for $50.00. This set up will last me at least 5 years I suppose.

I could just sell my old hardware to offset the price.


You're right. Perhaps I should get ridiculous on him and offer $130 US to start and perhaps he'll lower it to $150. It's just that between $185 for a used 3770K and $250 for a new 6600K, I'd prefer to purchase new. There is no risk involved with buying new.

And I can sell my used parts to get some money back in return.

Thank you for your advice HEXiT.

^^ another option.

like i said its an option mate and not an entirely terrible 1. but i cant make that decision for you 😉
ridiculous? lol no mate thats the reality. 185 is his price. often that price is a bit higher than what the seller thinks he will get. so offering 130 isnt an insult.
it tells him your interested in making a deal without implying your looking to rip him off.

as for the other option of buying new. well its 250 for the chip then what ever you pay for a new motherboard an ram. they wont be cheap either.
I'd argue that unless you really must have the feature set & have a keen interest in big overclocks that they're both horrendously overpriced.

You say this is just for gaming ?? There are $100 boards that will perform exactly the same, It may be just me being tight but I've never ever seen the point in $200+ motherboards, they're essentially just for bragging rights IMO.