News How to Disable Windows Web Search and Speed Up Your PC

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Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.

Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.

If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app

The amount of work that programmers have to do in order to undo the bad choices that Microsoft makes and forces on its customers is rather staggering. Its no wonder MS's marketshare is on a steady 15 year decline.
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Another option is to turn it half off, which will make it look like in pic 6, but it will still offer you to search the web if looking for something not found on the PC.
Settings > Privacy&Security > Search permissions > and near the bottom there
Advanced users already done this via gpedit.msc YEARS ago.

God bless professional version and may god help you for home users, it is really bothers me Microsoft turned Home editions into garbage no one asked for.
not really bothered by what Windows 10 shows me. Anyway, I don't feel any noticeable slowdown on the pc. So pass on this one.

oh, it's World Baking Day.
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The amount of work that programmers have to do in order to undo the bad choices that Microsoft makes and forces on its customers is rather staggering. Its no wonder MS's marketshare is on a steady 15 year decline.
Conversely, the amount of dumb things they have to keep in because some important company 10 years ago decided to program on an undocumented way of using things as a feature lingers around, even when said important company either is no longer important or is a footnote in history now.
Disabling the web search helps with the pervasive Windows 11 lag a little bit. But unfortunately doesn't help the fact that Windows 11 has horrible menu layout and excruciatingly slow animations.
It just feels so bad to use. Its unresponsive because the OS is forcing you to wait for animations, all the time, for no reason other than "it looks sorta fancy". Its an artificial barrier. The computer CAN load and draw menus instantly, but Windows won't let you.
The person who approved this design does not understand the purpose of animations in a GUI. (To draw your eye quickly to the new information, and to mask HDD access times which no longer exist).
Turning off animations entirely is better ( way harder to do than it should be) but you lose the helpful "show you where to look" functionality.
Android 13 also has the problem of having slow annoying animations, but at least you can speed them up in the dev settings. How hard would it have been for Microsoft to put a menu speed option in the user settings?

Another example: If the Windows designers understood how to design a good GUI/UX, then they would have never seriously considered moving the start menu out of the corner.
The primary 2 reasons the start menu -something you are constantly clicking on- was in the lower left corner was
1: you can get the mouse to that corner with a quick swipe, no looking, thinking, precision, or aiming required.
In Windows 11 you now have to consciously move your eyes to the start button so you can precisely line up the mouse. This is so much worse.
2: Americans read to the right, starting at the top leftmost side of a page. So the corner menu is in an easy place to begin reading the information. This also allows the most information to fit in the menu.
The best place for the English start menu would probably be the top right, but Windows puts the program menus here instead, which are also very important.
This concept also is what makes windows 10 start menu so much better than say Windows XP. They made a menu that still works (arguably better) when moved to the top-right, which you'll see a lot of people do in countries that read right-to left.
Nobody on earth starts reading in the lower-center of the page. This is the worst possible location. It's unnatural and demands maximum eye movement. The Windows 11 solution was to eliminate most the text from the start menu. That's a death spiral of using bad decisions to try and compensate for other bad decisions.
Windows 11 still doesn't even have the option to move the start menu anywhere on the top or right sides of the screen.

Their default is the least-accessible design, and the low customizability really kills it.
The biggest problem of all of this is that anything you can do to try and make Windows 11 usable requires admin access to enable or install. No company is going to let their employees have this power for something that seems so minor, even though a faster OS means faster and more productive employees.

We all just get to sit and stew in resentment, until we rebel and demand our company dumps Windows for Mac, Google, or Linux.
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I like the idea of eliminating the web results, not for the performance boost, but to clean up the clutter. It's stuff I simply do not want to see. My default screen is almost always a browser. If I wanted to search the web, there are much better ways than bing.
I'd really appreciate a way to completely block Windows from the net, and still use FireFox & Chrome.

I've been using Windows7 like this. I manually updated it to a point where it'll run the programs I need, and then permanently disabled Windows updates, firewall, tasks ... etc. I use a 3rd party firewall like Simplewall or Windows10firewallcontrol that clearly tells me when something is trying to access the net, and enable only those MS processes necessary for browsers, Skype, Teams, Minecraft ... etc. When Windows10 is actaully finalized, i.e. no more updates expected and I can use it like an offline box, then I might 'upgrade' to it.
Conversely, the amount of dumb things they have to keep in because some important company 10 years ago decided to program on an undocumented way of using things as a feature lingers around, even when said important company either is no longer important or is a footnote in history now.
or ancient parts like the Fax machine

I can't say I noticed any web suggestions in search but i only use it to find things I know are on my pc, I use a browser elsewhere.

pictures just make me wonder how many people never moved the start menu to the left, where it should be.

they couldn't pay me to use bing - be it AI or not.
Stop Windows from pulling up web results when you just want files and apps.
But let's say I do this
How to Disable Windows Web Search and Speed Up Your PC : Read more
This is a lot of work for very little if any reward. If you are offered a result you don't want, don't click on it. It's pretty straight forward.
But let's say I do this and then tomorrow I do want a result from the web, I have to go back and undo it again and then redo it all after. That is a huge amount of wasted time playing around with the registry when I can just search documents when I want or search everywhere when I want to do that.
Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.

Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.

If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app

I use Voidtools [Everything search indexer] as well, but I do not want local computer searching and indexing tied into web searching. Sorry, but no. Your tool recommendation is a good one, but I disagree with your ideology on this.
Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.

Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.

If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app

Looks like an opportunity just to push voidtools. How is this going to screw your system at all? It's no different than if you didn't have internet at all, no web results come up. So if by 'screw your system' you mean you don't receive targeted ads based on your cookies and you don't have the full 'user experience' Microsoft wants you to have (an opportunity to use your information in its EULA sanctioned telemetry data requisition mission) then yes I guess your windows is totally screwed.

And void tools has absolutely nothing to do with removing web search results from the search bar.

So do I totally want to screw my windows system by using some third party subpar search tool that is probably pulling from the windows indexes anyways, I'll pass. Oh you mean it's speeding up your system because it's creating its own database/index/repository? Yeah, I'll pass on that also.

This reg modification is solid and will not screw your windows system at all. Spend a little time getting to know your windows system a little bit better and you'll see how the only people getting screwed are windows 11 users who received the free update as a regular windows update push.
I use Voidtools [Everything search indexer] as well, but I do not want local computer searching and indexing tied into web searching. Sorry, but no. Your tool recommendation is a good one, but I disagree with your ideology on this.
My point was that it doesn’t speed anything up and I don’t care that the system look stuff up from the web at all because sometimes that’s useful. I only use the windows search when I want to search something online and I use Everything for local files

I learned my lesson hacking up the windows, registry many many years ago. In fact, when it was windows, 95 all the way up to current and I’m done messing with it no more tweaks it’s not worth it.
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we are of similar opinion. Although my reason is "I don't feel it slowing anything on a noticeable degree". Yeah, sometimes something interesting shows up. :)

and it's risky to mess with windows. The only thing I turned off in Windows 10 is b.i.t.s (background intelligent transfer), because it's causing lag in certain online games that I play.
This is a lot of work for very little if any reward. If you are offered a result you don't want, don't click on it. It's pretty straight forward.
But let's say I do this and then tomorrow I do want a result from the web, I have to go back and undo it again and then redo it all after. That is a huge amount of wasted time playing around with the registry when I can just search documents when I want or search everywhere when I want to do that.
No you don't have to undo anything - open a browser, preferably Chrome or anything besides Edge; you can have it auto-open to, and then search as needed.

we are of similar opinion. Although my reason is "I don't feel it slowing anything on a noticeable degree". Yeah, sometimes something interesting shows up. :)

and it's risky to mess with windows. The only thing I turned off in Windows 10 is b.i.t.s (background intelligent transfer), because it's causing lag in certain online games that I play.
Well, you're obviously a lone wolf, not someone who has to manage thousands of workstations. This crap Microsloth pushes is just that - crap - so, for those of us "professional workstation admins," this tweak makes perfect sense; especially versus having users see that crap and get distracted clicking on random articles about Kim Kardashian or the POTUS or former POTUS.
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exactly like I said you won’t even notice it, so why bother?
For you, maybe; but it's not even about performance. For the thousands of workstations + users I manage, it's about cutting out even more distractions and crap pushed by Microsoft and their media partners. So, it's definitely noticeable. Again, for you personally, that's great that you don't notice it; but I prefer NOT seeing all that crap - that's what I have a web browser for.
Well, you're obviously a lone wolf, not someone who has to manage thousands of workstations. This crap Microsloth pushes is just that - crap - so, for those of us "professional workstation admins," this tweak makes perfect sense; especially versus having users see that crap and get distracted clicking on random articles about Kim Kardashian or the POTUS or former POTUS.

if it lessened the hardships in your life. All good then Mr Workstation manager.

yeah, I'm a lone wolf here. A casual gamer who playes games 2-3 hours each night before getting some sleep. Not many people like me in this place of the internet? I prefer using Firefox with google to search the web. So pretty much this article does not do much for me.


Thread OP

I do see the good intentions of posting an article like this. and you wanna help as many people as possible. Like for example, this troubled workstation guy micromax.

but there are also people like me who have no use for this thing. Not making an attack on you or your article. Just posting an honest opinion. i'd prefer to keep relaxing and game a little before sleeping, have another round fighting the Jadeplume Terrorshroom boss than tinker (dangerously?) with windows for no payoff. There's no slowdown happening in games, so I don't need to tinker with windows.
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This worked perfectly on Windows 11 Pro 22H2. Thanks. This speed boost will save power users a lot of time. Also this completely eliminates the 15 second or so slowdown I sometimes experience during a internet/router/wifi hiccups.
For you, maybe; but it's not even about performance. For the thousands of workstations + users I manage, it's about cutting out even more distractions and crap pushed by Microsoft and their media partners. So, it's definitely noticeable. Again, for you personally, that's great that you don't notice it; but I prefer NOT seeing all that crap - that's what I have a web browser for.
I can understand your point and would agree with you in this case
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Windows 11 is the worst if you start messing with the registry. Just don't do it. You'll end up needing to reformat and reinstall everything.

If you have the Home version and need the pro, there's ways of upgrading with little or no cost.

Eventually though. we will have to pay more for an ad free or non-bloated Windows version.
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