Stop Windows from pulling up web results when you just want files and apps.
How to Disable Windows Web Search and Speed Up Your PC : Read more
How to Disable Windows Web Search and Speed Up Your PC : Read more
Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.
Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.
If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app
Conversely, the amount of dumb things they have to keep in because some important company 10 years ago decided to program on an undocumented way of using things as a feature lingers around, even when said important company either is no longer important or is a footnote in history now.The amount of work that programmers have to do in order to undo the bad choices that Microsoft makes and forces on its customers is rather staggering. Its no wonder MS's marketshare is on a steady 15 year decline.
or ancient parts like the Fax machineConversely, the amount of dumb things they have to keep in because some important company 10 years ago decided to program on an undocumented way of using things as a feature lingers around, even when said important company either is no longer important or is a footnote in history now.
This is a lot of work for very little if any reward. If you are offered a result you don't want, don't click on it. It's pretty straight forward.Stop Windows from pulling up web results when you just want files and apps.
But let's say I do this
How to Disable Windows Web Search and Speed Up Your PC : Read more
Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.
Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.
If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app
Looks like an opportunity just to push voidtools. How is this going to screw your system at all? It's no different than if you didn't have internet at all, no web results come up. So if by 'screw your system' you mean you don't receive targeted ads based on your cookies and you don't have the full 'user experience' Microsoft wants you to have (an opportunity to use your information in its EULA sanctioned telemetry data requisition mission) then yes I guess your windows is totally screwed.Meh. Screw your system for a speed increase you won’t notice? No thank you.
Install windows and leave it alone. Resist the urge to monkey with things because all you’re going to do is break something else.
If you need to find files fast, use Voidtools everything app
My point was that it doesn’t speed anything up and I don’t care that the system look stuff up from the web at all because sometimes that’s useful. I only use the windows search when I want to search something online and I use Everything for local filesI use Voidtools [Everything search indexer] as well, but I do not want local computer searching and indexing tied into web searching. Sorry, but no. Your tool recommendation is a good one, but I disagree with your ideology on this.
No you don't have to undo anything - open a browser, preferably Chrome or anything besides Edge; you can have it auto-open to, and then search as needed.This is a lot of work for very little if any reward. If you are offered a result you don't want, don't click on it. It's pretty straight forward.
But let's say I do this and then tomorrow I do want a result from the web, I have to go back and undo it again and then redo it all after. That is a huge amount of wasted time playing around with the registry when I can just search documents when I want or search everywhere when I want to do that.
Well, you're obviously a lone wolf, not someone who has to manage thousands of workstations. This crap Microsloth pushes is just that - crap - so, for those of us "professional workstation admins," this tweak makes perfect sense; especially versus having users see that crap and get distracted clicking on random articles about Kim Kardashian or the POTUS or former POTUS.@Mandark
we are of similar opinion. Although my reason is "I don't feel it slowing anything on a noticeable degree". Yeah, sometimes something interesting shows up.
and it's risky to mess with windows. The only thing I turned off in Windows 10 is b.i.t.s (background intelligent transfer), because it's causing lag in certain online games that I play.
For you, maybe; but it's not even about performance. For the thousands of workstations + users I manage, it's about cutting out even more distractions and crap pushed by Microsoft and their media partners. So, it's definitely noticeable. Again, for you personally, that's great that you don't notice it; but I prefer NOT seeing all that crap - that's what I have a web browser for.exactly like I said you won’t even notice it, so why bother?
Well, you're obviously a lone wolf, not someone who has to manage thousands of workstations. This crap Microsloth pushes is just that - crap - so, for those of us "professional workstation admins," this tweak makes perfect sense; especially versus having users see that crap and get distracted clicking on random articles about Kim Kardashian or the POTUS or former POTUS.
I can understand your point and would agree with you in this caseFor you, maybe; but it's not even about performance. For the thousands of workstations + users I manage, it's about cutting out even more distractions and crap pushed by Microsoft and their media partners. So, it's definitely noticeable. Again, for you personally, that's great that you don't notice it; but I prefer NOT seeing all that crap - that's what I have a web browser for.