Hi, I'm trying to rebuild my Asus Tek, Model # CM5570, Processor is a Pentium (r) Duel core, CPU E5300 @ 2.60ghz, Mem: 6144mb Ram, Nvidia geforce 9800gt. Currently used for gaming, mostly wow. I replaced my video card & cpu fan last year, but my computer continues to overheat and lag out, freezing up and shutting off frequently, especially during game play in raids or battle grounds. I wanted to update and rebuild into a better gaming computer. Not experienced in computers but reading up it seem's I need to replace my motherboard & my cpu perhaps? I'm interested in speed and performance and would like to keep the cost under $400 but i'm not sure what parts would be compatible with my current set up. What parts would you recommend and is there anything else I should replace while upgrading? Thanks for your time & help