How to fix a disk read error? -(tried reinstalling Ubuntu)

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May 9, 2013
Hello. I have an acer 5732z and I would like to get it running. Is there something with the HDD? (320 gig wd) or maybe ram? Ubuntu will not install, so I think the HDD, but I am not positive. You can also send questions or answers to

Ok, thx. The drive is about 2-3 years old. It is a wd scorpio

Ok. I have a lot of old desktops, ill try putting it in one of those and running diagnostics. I could get another HDD.

Hi. Ok so I put the wd Scorpio black into a dell optiplex 320 and the exact same thing happened with the disk read error. Its a shame because its 320 gigs. Anyways I can get another from the same computer store I got the laptop from, in their dumpster. And another from a semi-exploded laptop.
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