Question How to fix lagging Internet games if internet speed isn't the issue?

Sep 7, 2024
I just did a speedtest and I got over 100 mbps download and 80 upload as in the screenshot below:

I can't imagine with speeds like that that my internet is the issue, yet I keep lagging on very basic webgames like, as shown in this clip:

If the problem isn't my internet, would it have to do with my graphics settings? How can I fix it?

UPDATE: I have and Ideapad 5 laptop with a Ryzen 7 6000 series processor with amd radeon graphics and an rtx 3050. I don't know much about my PSU bc it's a laptop. The power bricks says 135w, that's all I know about it. I've got a 512GB SSD with 133GB left
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Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (orginal to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full.

Use Task Manager and Resource Monitor to observe system performance. Use both tools (there are others) but use only one tool at a time.

Open the tool window and leave the window open and viewable.

First watch while doing things other than gaming. Then game as usual but continue to watch.

Objective being to identify what system resources are being used, to what extent, and what app etc.. is using any given resource.

What changes when the lagging begins or otherwise occurs?

Make take a bit of trial and error to work out the process. Take your time, no need to rush.