Question How To Fix "No Bootable Drive Detected"

Mar 3, 2025
ASUS laptop won't boot. Can only hear the optical drive and hard drive briefly spin up, nothing on screen

I have only been able to boot into BIOS once, with the HD removed. Battery is long dead. New CMOS battery.

Removed ASUS hard drive and placed in 2 test computers.

Test PC 1, can boot to BIOS, diagnostic scan says hard drive is OK, but "No Bootable Drive Detected"

Test PC 2 originally had multiple hard drives. Disconnected all original drives and only connected the ASUS drive. Takes awhile, but is able to boot to desktop normally. No odd sounds from the hard drive.

Have tried using Test PC 2 to factory reset ASUS drive, didn't work.

Thank you
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Test PC 1, can boot to BIOS, diagnostic scan says hard drive is OK, but "No Bootable Drive Detected"
Would state that the OS is corrupt or missing.

Test PC 2 originally had multiple hard drives. Disconnected all original drives and only connected the ASUS drive. Takes awhile, but is able to boot to desktop normally. No odd sounds from the hard drive.
Would indicate that the drive is on it's way out if it's taking a while to get to the OS.

Have tried using Test PC 2 to factory reset ASUS drive, didn't work.
You mean you formatted the drive?

We're going to need more info. What is the model and SKU for your Asus laptop? How old is the HDD in your laptop? What OS are we talking about here?
ASUS laptop won't boot. Can only hear the optical drive and hard drive briefly spin up, nothing on screen

I have only been able to boot into BIOS once, with the HD removed. Battery is long dead. New CMOS battery.

Removed ASUS hard drive and placed in 2 test computers.

Test PC 1, can boot to BIOS, diagnostic scan says hard drive is OK, but "No Bootable Drive Detected"

Test PC 2 originally had multiple hard drives. Disconnected all original drives and only connected the ASUS drive. Takes awhile, but is able to boot to desktop normally. No odd sounds from the hard drive.

Have tried using Test PC 2 to factory reset ASUS drive, didn't work.

Thank you
Is this a new condition?

If not, what was the last thing you did before this started?
Test PC 1, can boot to BIOS, diagnostic scan says hard drive is OK, but "No Bootable Drive Detected"
Would state that the OS is corrupt or missing.
But test PC2 can boot into Windows

Have tried using Test PC 2 to factory reset ASUS drive, didn't work.
You mean you formatted the drive?
I went to Win10 settings and reset the OS, didn't preserve files.

Asus x551. Factory Win 8 that was updated to Win 10, this happened years ago.

This laptop has had booting issues for over a year. Have to press the power button multiple times to boot. Battery has been dead for multiple years.

Last thing that happened was an afternoon Windows update. I used it the next morning for a couple hours, nothing out of the ordinary. Tried using it again in the afternoon and it wouldn't boot.

Any idea why test PC2 can boot into Windows normally but test PC1 and the original laptop can't? Thank you