How to hook up pc to hdtv


May 21, 2006

I want to hook up pc to hdtv using hdmi. what do i need? Tv has hdmi input and video card has hdmi output. what else do i need to do besides connecting hdmi cable from video card to pc. Please let me know.

I want to build a basic pc just for that. Can you recommend me video card and processor? do i need a good video card and processor to display on 54 in monitor?


Thank you darkvine. I know HDMI has digital voice and sound. Sound will come with HDMI. Right?

I will not do gaming. it is just for watching movies and surfing internet on hdtv. Do i need faster processor and gpu? I am new to this area.

Well you will need HDCP on the card if you want to stream HD video for one thing. Most new cards have this. You don't really need a fast processor but it is always nice to have a good gpu.

If you are going to be doing HD movies, weather they are blu-ray or HD over the internet like HD trailers then you really need a good mid ranger gpu because decoding HD content can be very stressful. Something like the 4650 or 4670 would do well and are around $50 bucks or so.

I would think about getting a blu-ray drive. They are affordable nowdays and if you have an HD TV/monitor then you will be getting the most out of it. I believe you can get blu-ray drives for around $40-$60.

Thank you again. How about the sound quality. Where does the sound come from? is it from motherboard or gpu? I am naive.

There is a little cable you connect from your sound card or motherboard to the graphics card. If you read the munel for the card it will explain where it is.

The quality through hdmi is 7.1 lose-less, an other words it delivers perfect quality your sound card or mother board can give you.
I have my desktop PC hooked up to my 32" HDTV via HDMI, and I highly recommend this. It is very nice to get sound and audio both through a small cable.
I have a 9600GT which came with the audio loop cable and supports HDCP