Question How to install current Radeon drivers on Ubuntu?

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Nov 15, 2024
I downloaded the "Radeon Software for Linux version 24.20.3 for Ubuntu 24.04.1 HWE" here

and ran the installer. The sytem still reports that version 24.09 is installed, however, after rebooting. There is a Vulkan extension I need, "VK_KHR_external_sempahore_fd", that is missing in 24.09. If the upgrade process is broken, is there another way to get this extension?

I'm installing the drivers from AMD to be sure that I have the latest release. Just using the included amdgpu in the kernel, I received the message about the missing Vulkan extension, and that the version was 24.09.
Sure, and I'm comfortable taking that responsibility. In any case, I need the drivers from AMD for HIP/ROCm.

Some users are reporting here

better luck with the 22.04 (Ubuntu Jammy) drivers. I'll try that and post here if it works.

In the meantime, has anyone else been able to install drivers 24.20.3 or know how to deal with that missing Vulkan extension?

Update: No issues installing the 22.04 drivers on 24.04, and Mesa, OpenCL, HIP, and ROCm all work. Still missing that Vulkan extension, though. :/
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