How to install OSX on a NTFS harddisk????


Jan 1, 2011
Can anyone help me. I need to install Mac OSX on a NTFS Sata harddisk(sure fits in the mac). Do i have to format it to a Mac format first? Then do i use external sata to USB cable and use disk utility to reformat it? Afterwards if its ready to format do i just push in the Mac OSX disc thats for reformating hard disks?
I know is for windows. So what do i have to do? Like plug it into a windows can reformat? Or plug it into my mac with USB to reformat? Then slow it inside the macbook and put in the OSX disc?

Er there are several formats

MAC OS EXTENDED(journaled)
MAC OS EXTENDED( Case sensitive , Journaled)
MAC OS EXTENDED ( Case sensitive)

My curent one is MAC OS EXTENDED(journaled) are there any differences?Just want to be safe.

Then if its already a Blank disc. And when i put in the OSX disc, do i have to press anything? Or something will come out automatically