How to install StarCraft 2? Driving me crazy.

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Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011
On my 8th hour if you can believe it trying to install SCII. Now i get home and what do you know it, my sister bought me SCII. I'm sleepy as all hell so i just want to install it and go to bed. Little did i know this was just the beginning of my ordeal that was yet to come. Half way through the installation it says an error. Something about a file being corrupted and needing to be reinstalled. I look at the disk and see a few minor scuffs. Strange. I clean it, and it downloads. So where done here? Nope.

The Updates begin downloading at a snails pace, 40 mb took like 25 minutes. Then after about 2 hours of updates, it says the same error, but for the update. Okay. maybe i just need to download the update, its like 300 plus mb. So i decide to skip that and just download the enitre game from Blizzard. I've just tried 3 times. The first time it was literally telling me it was gong to take 70 plus hours to download 7 gbs, i've downloaded 9gb in about 10 hours, i'm a little mad at this point. But it gets worse. The download just stops, i try it again and it won't continue. So i try another download and it says i need to verify that i can download SCII, so i log in on Blizzard and i literally need to download the game again. It starts and then after about 2.25 mb, it stops and does nothing.

Now to anyone who has purchased this game recently, how the hell do you actually install this game. Do i just need to install the patch manually? Cause i'm at the point right now where i'm just going to e-mail customer support I've never had to deal with such an installion in my entire life, on ANY game i've ever purchased. I own 3 other Blizzard games and i've never had any of these problems, its sad cause of how well the developer/publisher is known and yet i'm dealing with something like this.
When I first dled the game from Blizzard it was going slow until I un-checked a box that has something to do with peer to peer transferring(cant remember exactly what it was called but you should be able to see it from view->preferences). But if that doesnt help I would try another CD (should just be able to trade CDs at whatever store it was bought from I have done that before), and if those dont work I would give torrents a try.

And for your update errors, does this occur even when you have dled the game instead of using the CD? I would give the SC2 repair tool a shot

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

Believe me, its not my system. i just took a gander online and everyone seems to have this problem. I'm not going to do the methods that they suggested.

OBO:Asus M4A77TD
GPU: XFX HD 5770
CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 640 oc'ed to 3.40
RAM: 4gig Ripjaws (2x2gig dims)
PSU: 550 Ultra 80plus
Network: Roswell PCI Network wifi adatper
Drive: Asus DVD burner, drive combo
Display: 19inch Dell LCD
OS: WIndows 7 64 bit

i agree its not the best method, but it will be a lot quicker and most of the time the game will be clean.
there are a few reputable torrent sites that have decent user feedback. i dont recommend btjunkie. but demonoid is a good site.
also i often find legitimate game downloads on torrents.
battle net often use torrents (i got the latest mech worrior off 1) to distribute there games as do a lot of other companies..
not every 1 m8 i have it installed and running on my system with no problems... then again i haven't patched it lately as i haven't played it for over a month
so unless there distributing a bad patch (unlikely) it may be the way your downloading it. try an app called getrite it will pause the download and reconnect if it losses connection and carry on without causing errors..

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011
for now i'm just downloading the game from Blizzard, i'm okay with torrenting any game, if i can use my CDKEY. I will also download the patch manually. I'm scared to use any of Blizzards downloaders, they take forever and just get corrupted.

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

No, you probably just got lucky. I just came off there forums and theres a host of problems with patching and installing the game.

Have you downloaded the game from Blizzard's site before? I just did and have no clue how to start the game. The file says it has 6.98 gigs of the game and in the file theres no option that i know of to start it.


Jun 12, 2010
Go to Blizzards site,( Log in(create account if you don't have one)
Register key. Download client. Install.
I think that DVD is scratched or something.
IT is really easy to use Blizz' Client.
Raccoon, when you have dl'ed it. Click install.exe as the Admin.
If this doesn't work ask on the SC2 TS forums.

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

I've done that, now that the files are done when i click on the "install.exe" it shows it as a file windows doens't know and it won't load up. Do i have to right click it and open it some other way. How do i, "as the Admin" it as you say to this file?

Also, i can't talk on there, since my character is not made i can't use the forums (which is just dumb cause my problem is stopping me from doing just that, playing the game)

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

wow, turns out the downloaded file was still not complete (despite it saying so), the files said PART and would not open. I just downloaded it again and did it as "run as administrator" even though i'm the administrator. This literally the worse installation i've seen from a game in my life. This should not been so damn frustrating, if all else fails, i'm literally just going to download a torrent of it with a updated patch. This is getting really ridiculous.

Understand, even when it installs successfully, its still ends up showing the same error while patching. its like i need a digital version of the game AND patch it manually. I have might as well stole this damn game, cause it seems as if it more trouble installing this game the legal way then the obvious alternative. (mind you i bought it on Thursday and Saturday its still not up and running), i'm not going to be closing firewalls to install a damn game, i'm sorry NEVER have i had to go to such lengths as to close and open ports, proxy features, switching OS's, changing a bunch of damn setting that should have literally nothing to do with installing a game, mind you they where asking of this when i was just trying to install it off the DVD without getting an error. Scratch? Its new, unless more then half of the SCII community's DVD's all got scratch too upon release.


Jun 21, 2010
When I first dled the game from Blizzard it was going slow until I un-checked a box that has something to do with peer to peer transferring(cant remember exactly what it was called but you should be able to see it from view->preferences). But if that doesnt help I would try another CD (should just be able to trade CDs at whatever store it was bought from I have done that before), and if those dont work I would give torrents a try.

And for your update errors, does this occur even when you have dled the game instead of using the CD? I would give the SC2 repair tool a shot

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

Yeah i just fixed the problem. I turned off hidden files (to allow me to see them) and then opened up the SCII DVD and took the contents out and put them on the Desktop. Then i tried to install it, then after it installed, i tried to patch it.

Note: when it says it successfully didn't. The patch will tell you otherwise.

While patching it kept telling me errors, so i went online and began to download SCII from Blizzard's site. After it was done, it said the same thing. So i just played the patch from the dvd version, saw the file that was corrupted and traded it with the file from the downloaded version. I did this until i found a file that neither had and just downloaded that one file from a torrent site. Then the whole game was (fully) installed. I manually downloaded the 1.3.2 patch and put it in the updates folder. Then the game finally worked.

Its not ram, proxy servers, lan, HDD, OS or any of that, its just that the way Blizzard went about installing and patching this game is literally broken. In fact the best way to get thsi game up and running day 1 NOT 3 damn days later after hours upon hours of troubleshooting and defraging and fresh OS installs, is to just get the torrent of the game and add your CDKEY to it and manually download the patch. Is not your systems, its Blizzard, andy method to install this game from Blizzard won't work, its best to do it with out Blizzards downloader and patcher, for these are the reasons for the game's errors with files and patches. I've yet to have a game EVER do what was happening with SCII.


Jun 8, 2010
maybe your internet connection is slow? it took me about 3 hours to install from the disc... bnet's updates took FOREVER. i'd say remove all SC2 stuff and try again at a friends house.

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

fastest in my city. Its not my internet. It corrupted off the DVD AND off the download. In fact i took more off the DVD when i just copy and pasted the content instead of installing it the way Blizzard said to. I fixed the problem, and it was only solved by downloading parts of the files from torrent sites and downloading the patch and manually putting it in. Its Blizzard's downloader and patcher program thats causing the corrupted data. Had it had been my internet, all my steam games, and just about every game i've ever downloaded or installed would had resulted in the same thing. Its Blizzard. Only was it working when i litearlly dropped all methods suggested by Blizzard and just got the files else where and put on the patch manually and not through them did i get it to play.

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

Its sad because this was the lengths i had to go to just to get the game installed. DAYS just to find out whats wrong with a seemingly unbroken install. To just anyone who never heard of this problem, they instantly think its just your system. i never would had thought, when i opened the mail that Thursday morning, that Sunday morning i would be playing SCII for the first time. Never.

Even after you manage to get all the corrupted files off and new ones on and manually patch the game, your just getting started with the headaches. Its just the beginning of a longer ordeal. Playing the game now for 2 days, i've had it crash on me on sunday.

Sunday it crashes, i look online and it says turn on Vsync on my HD 5770. I do and it stops. Today i play for a while and my HD 5770 turns offs suddenly like 4 times in a roll before just crashing and restarting my computer. So again, i go to the internetz to solve "Blizzards mess" of course i don't ask there asses for help, they seem to be sticking to there guns that its everyone's computers that are jacked up. So any way it turns out i need to add some code in the game to make it run on a solid 60 and then the menu run on a solid 30 fps. I changed it to 70 fps =). I restart my computer and now the game plays fine......for now.

I'll be back on here when i start playing online and more new trouble starts (with this damn game, it will).

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011
I've also heard of this game literally firing people's GPU's. I feel sorry for them, they pay with there hard earned money and a game's broken ass code makes there card overheat, it doesn't cap the fps, so your card literally begins going into overdrive cause theres no cap (not this is kinda what can brake your card if you OC) Blizzard has confirmed this and guess what? THEY NEVER PATCHED IT! i had to read it online, they never sent a memo when i opened an account, never had a read me file to fix it, so was i just supposed to let my ******* HD 5770 fire and then read about how they knew? Theres some really fishy things going on at Blizzard.

Some people online where trying to file a class action complaint against Blizzard for there cards firing there system and destroying not only there cards, but in some cases there entire board and everything on it. I would just for them not telling the people that PAY THEM that there game needs to be not only patched, but the entire process of the install needs to be up to the standard of EVERY ******* PC game. The game is not bad, when you can install it, patch it, not have your system break or card fry, or OS crash etc. But this is unacceptable. I literally need to WARN my friends about this game and need to help them install it so they don't break there rigs.


Jun 21, 2010
Strange, none of my friends have had any troubles with the game, nor have I heard about the GPU issue until now. But even if I had troubles like this I wouldnt go around saying Blizzard is the worst company now because they made a mistake considering all their previous games have been amazing (unless you have had GPU and installing issues with their other games as well). So you had some bad luck with SC2, this doesnt mean that Blizzard is on the decline it just means, well you had some bad luck as I am sure all gamers have had before (I know I sure have).

Raccoon Goon

Jan 13, 2011

Did you not read above how many other people are having the same issue? With tech its not luck and even if your saying that its not Blizzard's fault cause you got lucky? How the *** is that Blizzard being a good company if the only reason your game is working right is that you some how got lucky? I could care less about what a company's track record is, whats wrong with this game is unforgivable. I say this cause forgiveness involves making amends as in correcting a wrong, not only did Blizzard know about several of the issues above, they literally refused to patch the game to fix those issues. Weather they made good games or not is completely irrelevant, sounds like Fanboi banter to me with zero logic. Its like saying "oh give Bobby Flay a break, he made great food before, lets just disregard he just give several people food poisoning" cause his food was good before? ok.

Now i clearly own Starcraft 2 cause i owned Starcraft 1, both Diablos and Warcraft II (the reason i even got the first Starcraft) this has nothing to do with what they did before, it has every thing with what there doing now. You say "none" of your friends have had issues with the game? Lucky for them, thats just it "luck". LOL

Lets get this straight, i own zero blind allegiance to Blizzard, they are like any other company to me, if i ******* buy your product i expect it to work and when it works i expect to not fry my GPU, again as BLIZZARD themselves said, i had to change the code in the game to not have my card go in overdrive causing it to overheat (funny they never admitted to saying it could break, despite it being very obvious such a situation would lead to a card breaking just like OCing) Never got a memo, never got an email when signing up, hell even there costumer support didn't say a damn thing about that, yet clear as day Blizzard had posted this on there site as if it was not a big enough deal to warn the people that pay them. I've had to change code in this game like 5 times in the last 2 days of playing to fix various issues, now where the *** are Blizzards patches to fix theses? Cause its seems that I'm the one patching there game. Never have i've ever had to do such a thing for any game i've ever owned. Its not luck my friend.
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