How to know if 740m is 64bit or 128bit


Nov 5, 2013
Hey guys,
I'm trying to find out how to find out (tonguetwister , anyways) if my 740m is 64 bit or 128 bit
I looked at the retailer's box but couldn't find anything any help would be appreciated

btw..... is there anyway I could run battlefield 4 on it?
because I don't want to buy the game then regret it.
open Nvidia control panel. Go to system and then info

EDIT: You should be able to play Battlefield 4 on it. Low to medium settings I guess. Depends a lot on what CPU you have.

i5 4200u
8gb ram

You should be able to run it with low to medium settings.. Maybe even high to some extent.

check the following

The CPU used is similar to yours. That's battlefield 3 though


so I could expect medium to high, but aren't medium and high basically the same in bf4

Not really. There are new features in Bf4. More destruction of buildings, weather effects, water effects etc. Similar looking but quite a few new mechanics ingame.

thanks I plan on getting it would you recommend premium or not

and daaaaaaaaaaamnnnnnnnnn girl this scyscraper is gonna scrape my fps hard

I'd suggest you get bf4 and then after playing a bit decide. Otherwise its basically Double the price. I'm not a girl btw lol

I'm not saying you are a girl just a method of exaggeration