how to low down the core temp of cpu


Jun 10, 2016
hello my problem is that my cpu E 8400 core 2 duo at 3ghz is running around 55 degree celcieus at idle conditions and at maxium load it touches 80 - 84 degree celcieus temp and i have never overclocked before. so is there a major problem that i should know .

What's the case's name or what is the make and model number of the computer? The Evo is a good cooler but we need to make sure it fits. A cheaper alternative MIGHT be to remove the current heatsink and reapply the thermal paste/grease/compound with some new thermal compound. Arctic Silver 5 is good. You place a half grain of rice on the surface of the CPU and spread it evenly with the long side of a thin plastic toothpick. Do the same to the heatsink's base. This way you have about a long grain rice size dab filling the microscopic nooks and crannies of the CPU and heatsink contact points. This might bring your temps back to normal. If you are still using the stock cooler there is a good chance the Evo will bring your temps down more than a simple reapplication of the thermal compound.

Your temps are high but not yet dangerous. They would be a cause for concern for me. Neither my CPU or GPU have ever reached 80 even using benchmark and stressing utilities. What is the ambient temperature?