I shut the screen/lid, before I flipped it over to hit the button. But I don't know if that counts as being "off". Tried it again with a full shut down and same deal.I always press the battery reset switch when the laptop is powered off. Never when Windows is running.
Another thought. Do you run Windows with Fast Start enabled? If so, try disabling it. Shut down the laptop and press the battery reset button. Windows will take slightly longer to restart, because it's not pulling the most recent system configuration from hiberfil.sys. It might result in Windows finding the new battery.
I much preferred the old laptops where you pressed a couple of tabs to release the battery pack, which was filled with replaceable 18650 cells. These days, laptop manufacturers seem to think we all want slim laptops.
I bought an old Lenovo X250 Thinkpad recently (with a Windows 8 sticker) and was surprised to find it had two batteries. An old style rear-mounted lump and a non-working 45N1111 flat battery inside. I bought a replacement third party battery for $30 and was pleased when it worked without fuss. The official Lenovo battery was $130. I just hope the cheap battery doesn't catch fire!
Prior to buying a new 45N1111, I unplugged the suspect battery and measured its voltage which was just over 10V DC. The voltage quoted in the spec. is 11.4V so it wasn't completely dead.
I tried this trick to reset the ACPI driver, but it didn't restore operation, so I bought a new battery.
Sorry, that wasn't what I was implying, but the only picture I could find of an Acer battery reset switch showed what repair shops encounter, when customers bring their laptops in for repair.
It just kills me that it simultaneously shows the battery at 100% and doesn't recognize the battery.
I'm not sure what fast start is, but this thing takes so long to start after it's shut off from power (which I guess is what the button does?) that it can't be turned on.
Hmmmm...Trying the APCI thing and *right now*, after disabling and enabling the device, it is back to showing 255% battery power...lets try it with an un-plug...Holy cow... it didn't die! Okay, trying a restart now to see if that changes things. When I first put in the new battery, it showed something similar, but then it died on me, so lets give a try like this...
Huh. Okay, yeah; it reset back to not recognizing the battery on restart.