Question How to make time appear on Calander again

I still have my clock there. What version of Windows 10 are you running? I have 22H2 (Settings, About, scroll down to Windows Specifications).

-Wolf sends

Edit: Tom's Hardware does not host images on it's servers. You will need to use a third party site like to upload your images and then post the links into your images here. See the link in my signature.
I still have my clock there. What version of Windows 10 are you running? I have 22H2 (Settings, About, scroll down to Windows Specifications).

-Wolf sends

Edit: Tom's Hardware does not host images on it's servers. You will need to use a third party site like to upload your images and then post the links into your images here. See the link in my signature.
Mine is 22H2 as well, and it sounds like you understand the issue already but thanks for the info and did upload the image
adjust date and time
show agenda

appreciate the help. I know this isn't a massive issue as the taskbar clock is still there but I do sometimes like to time things with seconds and its faster then going online and finding something when I can just click once.
Not a problem. Still looking.

Just a guess here, but click on Adjust Date and Time. Make sure that "Adjust for daylight savings time automatically" and "Set time automatically" are both on. I'm not finding a setting for that particular option, so I'm wondering if maybe your clock isn't synchronized with the Windows time clock.

Is the clock in the lower right corner of the screen displaying the correct time?

-Wolf sends