Question How to open GXT 108 mouse

May 20, 2023
My scroll wheel is not working properly and I think the issue is that it's dirty inside, so I am trying to open it. I've found a scew below a sticker and the bottom part is now loose, but the top part still won't open, as if there were more screws. I cannot see any other screws below the sticker or sliding pads and I don't want to force it to not break it. How can I open it?
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If the mouse is fairly new, I'd return it or contact their support team and see if you can get a replacement unit. As for the scroll wheel, you're best off replacing the scroll wheel in the mouse, instead of cleaning it. As for opening the mouse, you might want to look under the skates for the mouse. You will also need a spudger to work you way along the seams of the mouse.
If there's only one screw, then usually the back of the case (the side opposite the cable) pivots up until you can get the hooks in front to unlatch by sliding forward.

As for warranty, these are essentially the same as the mice on aliexpress for $6 shipped, so the postage would exceed its value. These often have a floating lens assembly and PCB inside (no screws!) which wouldn't be an issue except the case is so flimsy that slamming the mouse around can cause either to come adrift inside, so you'd best get good at disassembling it anyway.