How to Opt Out of Apple's Targeted iAds

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Still no word on how the adds will be transfered to your cell or at what amount. I predict you'll have to reserv a few hundred MBs per month for ads alone at some point in the near future.
They make it sound like getting less relevant adds is such as sad thing, as if I pay any attention whatsoever to the pandora ads when I have the screen turned off as I listen to music.
So in the end it boils down that apple (and google too for that matter) want to sell you a mobile TV filled with adds. At the expense of their customers who not only pay premium for the devices but also for the soon excessive storage requirments; the extra bandwith-polution (already unlimited plans are dumbed by telcos for more costly plans in the long run) and the costly delivery system itself (3G/4G).
It seems I'm gonna stick to Windows Mobile 6.1 for much longer then I anticipated. In fact with this in mind a WM 6.5 equipped HTC HD2 doesn't seem too bad after all (if only Vito Audio Notes touch incall-recording fully worked).

Funny thing is that this is the same company that mocked with "Big Brother" in 1984.
Advertisement is the heralded Golden Cow for consumerism. Too bad it's also forced onto the user and often completely useless (ignored anyway). As someone said before, I hope the ads don't count against your data quota or else it would be terrible for the 200 MByte plan.
So the decision comes down to whether I want to click a link to talk to 'Jennifer', the girl in the town next to mine, or 'Michele', just some random hot girl
Just another reason not to purchase products like this when you first pay for the product, then you pay for the bandwith (sometimes éven with limited amonth of data wich likely "generously" get eaten by the adds too) and then you also have to endure adds, what a nice way to give "value" to the product. Im happy i never became a cultist...
Silly. The best way to opt-out is to not buy the device in the first place.
Or, call the places that impose ads on you. Tell them you will NEVER do business with them because of their advertising methods.
[citation][nom]casperstouch[/nom]Just wait until use your gps to get your speed then report that information to your local police. Happy Ticketing.[/citation]
Quite a possibility. Can be deducted automatically from your credit card, which is what it's all about anyway. ;-)
So lets see here. ATT starts capping the data plans therefore limiting how much data you can use on their network. Now Apple is going to impose adds which will be extra content sent to your phone all the time. How much extra data could this add up too? Will this extra data count against your monthly total? So theoretically you could be forced to use precious kb of data usage on adds you have no control over therefore limiting how much actual productive real use you get out of your shiny new iphone?

What I find hilarious is how iOS4 is released and the same day my iTouch will crash every time it finishes backing up to any computer I have running iTunes... I haven't upgraded to iOS4.
[citation][nom]theuerkorn[/nom]Quite a possibility. Can be deducted automatically from your credit card, which is what it's all about anyway. ;-)[/citation]
Not much of a surprise in Apple's move to force advertising on their customers. In Apple's home state, the state itself is looking at "mobile adtertising" with electronic license plates.
I have been playing fair with my iphone 3gs, I paid for all my apps, over $300 worth, and I didn't jailbreak, ( not that I have a problem with it ) but the minute I start seeing ads pop up on my phone, I "will" jailbreak my phone, because someone with find a way to disable the ads. Nothing p me off more then forced advertising. it's in ours faces everywhere we look. It wont be long until HARRP start transmitting commercials wirelessly into our brains. and NO, I am not kidding, this can be done already.
[citation][nom]cantstanzya[/nom]So the decision comes down to whether I want to click a link to talk to 'Jennifer', the girl in the town next to mine, or 'Michele', just some random hot girl[/citation]
Jennifer is hawt, but Michele has some girlfriends who like to experiment :)
[citation][nom]Mirth[/nom]Not much of a surprise in Apple's move to force advertising on their customers. In Apple's home state, the state itself is looking at "mobile adtertising" with electronic license plates.[/citation]
I can see it now, "hey honey look at that license plate ad, those are the boots I am talking ab... *crash*" Yea that's gonna work well 😛
[citation][nom]vectorm12[/nom]Still no word on how the adds will be transfered to your cell or at what amount. I predict you'll have to reserv a few hundred MBs per month for ads alone at some point in the near future.[/citation]

That sounds like a lot, not that I disagree with you. But now with the 200MB plan, paying for ad bandwidth doesn't sound so good either
Guess what was it? 40 billion$ isn't enough on some companies bank account and they need more and more and while some while their contractors employees who produce the products barely make the day and it isn't that enough?

Where will the greed end seriously? Aren't the cheaply produced products already overpriced enough? Do you even have to force the users to watch adds now!

Insanity barely describes it, and whats most insane is that some people actually is look up to this... not down as it should be!

I wouldn't but a product like this for several reasons.
1. The price paid is high enough to have the workers families get some salary at least, not only stuff the high profit in their own pocket. (Walking over corpses to get even more money, like its needed?)
2. If i pay the full sheaf price for a product i don't want it to have adds to, its my purchased hardware and isn't that sales gain good enough?

The greed, the greed! Where will it end seriously ? iCorp(se)
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