My 4 year old kid uses my pc cabinet as a punching bag whenever he gets angry and this has caused my pc to hang many times if it's running when he hits it. For this reason, i had to bring out my old p3 pc to show him his cartoons and stuff. While he is awake i am having to shutoff my new pc (i7 config) and exchange my monitor's vga cable between my p3 and i7 as required.
But my question is, can my new pc be still damaged if its been hit when its turned off ? If so, which component is most vulnerable ? The mobo, the ram, the cpu, the video card of the hard disk ? I have very little space in my house for moving my pc to another place. Also is there a way i can protect my pc from his blows by wrapping it wherever feasible with small pillows ? Please help.
But my question is, can my new pc be still damaged if its been hit when its turned off ? If so, which component is most vulnerable ? The mobo, the ram, the cpu, the video card of the hard disk ? I have very little space in my house for moving my pc to another place. Also is there a way i can protect my pc from his blows by wrapping it wherever feasible with small pillows ? Please help.