How to protect my pc from toddler's abuse ?

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Apr 2, 2009
My 4 year old kid uses my pc cabinet as a punching bag whenever he gets angry and this has caused my pc to hang many times if it's running when he hits it. For this reason, i had to bring out my old p3 pc to show him his cartoons and stuff. While he is awake i am having to shutoff my new pc (i7 config) and exchange my monitor's vga cable between my p3 and i7 as required.

But my question is, can my new pc be still damaged if its been hit when its turned off ? If so, which component is most vulnerable ? The mobo, the ram, the cpu, the video card of the hard disk ? I have very little space in my house for moving my pc to another place. Also is there a way i can protect my pc from his blows by wrapping it wherever feasible with small pillows ? Please help.
I would say it would be still be able to be damaged even if it is turned off, i'd say anything that could be shaken loose or components that are delicate would be damaged. and wrapping it with small pillows may cause it to overheat. I would just move your pc out of reach of your child. that would be your best bet.
I would say teach you kid not to punch things when he get angry would be the best solution..

second that, you may be able to put that pc up away from his reach, but the kid needs to learn that other people's items and other people are not their punch bag and it is inappropriate to express his anger in such a way.

before he gets to punching people because he is unhappy with what they did or not do or because he is pissed.
I agree with strangestranger. Sounds like a monkey needs an education, inspired by seat-warmings as often as needed until the lesson sinks in. In the meantime, to avoid damage, relocating the PC or insulating it (but don't choke off its cooling air!) may help.
For the PC the HDD is very vulnerable running or not. Where your vga card meets with your motherboard is an area of concern especially if you have a tooless case. And your dvd burner tray could come out of it's track making it harder or impossible to open.

For the kid, well my mom used to make me stand in the corner holding cans of soup over my head. It worked pretty well.

For you I would say man-up!!!! You need to realize this kid is DEPENDING on you to raise him right so he can have a happy and full life. If he doesn't it is all your fault! He can only work with the tools you give him, if you feel like you can't give him the right ones then by all means give him to a crack head he'll be just as well off!! By the tone of your post you sound like you have consigned it the fact that you have to take it from him. You need to let him know it's the other way around. And before you go thinking hes just a kid so you should cut him some slack just remember that the longer this kind of behavior goes on the higher the likelihood it will turn into some permanent damage to him quality of life.
Thanks pals for the replies. Well i give the punches back to him when he pushes me to the limit. But that ain't stopping him. So nowadays i always sit beside him when i give him access to my pc. The slightest of violence he shows, i just turn off my pc, the room's light and shut the door dragging him away. My wife says to hang the pc from the ceiling somehow. But that won't help as the cables will be coming down from it to the keyboard/mouse/monitor and he could pull those too. I had read somewhere in the net that someone's kid had poured wall paint on his brand hew pc..and he still recovered everything to work allright. Well wish me luck too !!:|
did you just say that you punch your kid?

i sincerely hope that was a bad joke, or your parenting is even worse than first implied.

how about spending some time with your child, instead of on your pc? maybe teach him that he's misbehaving, but that he doesn't need to do so to get his fathers attention?

but sure as hell, this isn't the main problem here. your child's needs should come before your PCs.
Oh dear God, this has got to be the craziest non troll/stupid thread I've come across in years.

1. Really? You beat your kid (as opposed to a spanking for defiance to discipline)? Have you tried REAL disciplinary technique... like phsycology such as a reward system for doing good, and taking away the rewards for misbehavior? Have you tried to calm your child down by literally saying something like "look into my eyes and listen for a minute" type thing when your kid is having a tantrum.

2. Why in the world does your toddler have access to your computer in the first place?
Gods I am glad I have no pets or kids *knocks on wood*

Perhaps this guide will help a little...
Hey i never punched my kid was a wrong word to put in my last post ! he is just 4 yrs old. But yeah i did slap or spank him on his butt to stop his mischieves. As a matter of fact, i gave him love and care perhaps a little too much that he's now spoilt a bit and doesn't fear or respect his parents at all. If u were in my computer room, i assure u, u would feel that my pc needs to be protected from the violent abuse of my kid.
Hey i never punched my kid was a wrong word to put in my last post ! he is just 4 yrs old. But yeah i did slap or spank him on his butt to stop his mischieves. As a matter of fact, i gave him love and care perhaps a little too much that he's now spoilt a bit and doesn't fear or respect his parents at all. If u were in my computer room, i assure u, u would feel that my pc needs to be protected from the violent abuse of my kid.
My advice to you is to put the fear of God into him as soon as possible. Not only will it curb his behavior but it will also help him grow up to be a respectful teenager and onto becoming a contributing member of society rather than some spoiled man-child with with a chip on his shoulder and a sense of entitlement.
My advice to you is to put the fear of God into him as soon as possible. Not only will it curb his behavior but it will also help him grow up to be a respectful teenager and onto becoming a contributing member of society rather than some spoiled man-child with with a chip on his shoulder and a sense of entitlement.

I hope you are not serious...

The best thing to do is lead by example and to instill in him a sense of right and wrong, and enforce the said right and wrongs each time on him, and on your self.

Damn straight +1 chunkymonster.
I am glad my old man raised me strict.
Most of the people I know that where raised without their parents spanking or such will never account for anything in their life.
Whiny little bas. that think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter.

Raising by example is great an all (and also absolutely vital for their proper development) but a good spanking when really called for is IMO good for the kid.
It teaches them the only way they really understand that what they have done (or not done) is quite wrong.

Do not get me wrong, I am NOT advocating beating or abusing the child.
Merely applying additional punishment when it is necessary.
I took Chunkymonster's remark figuratively, of course, and as such I certainly agree. Naturally I would never condone infecting a young mind with religion, but I don't think that's what was meant. This country's period of greatest accomplishment, the Industrial Revolution, took place in an era of consequences, good and bad. Right and wrong were pretty clear, and a kid who strayed was taken out back and stropped. Now, we have no consequences, and murder and mayhem rates are through the roof.
i know how wonderfully off topic this has become but...

are you implying that to teach your child the difference from right on wrong, you should hurt them when they misbehave? you don't think that teaching them that violence as the first step to solving a problem is a bad idea?

my parents never hit me as a child, and i too am a perfectly normal, kind, and respectful person. 'it never done me no harm' is not a valid justification to hitting a child.

Wow, this is quite the thread.....

Bottom line is, there's never going to be agreement on the spank or don't spank argument. I think there are parents who don't know how to do it correctly. They erupt more out of frustration and rage and it can be borderline abuse. If done correctly, it can be very effective in developing discipline in a young personality. Personally, I think it's effective and necessary.

You don't think teaching them that violence is the first step to solving a problem is a bad idea?
Defiantly, violence is not the best answer nor is it the first step.
More like a last resort when all other proper parenting methods have failed.

I believe that if you need to spank your kid once a day, hell once a week even, you are failing as a parent anyways.
You need to be a good parent first otherwise a swat or two will have little effect in the long run.
More, a spanking properly applied helps teach the child that there are definite consequences to their more serious actions.

If they know that there are more serious actions to be taken for continuing what ever they are doing past a simple time out, loosing their toys for an hour, being banned from the TV, etc. they are more likely to think through their actions and make the proper decision.
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