How to protect my pc from toddler's abuse ?

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Apr 2, 2009
My 4 year old kid uses my pc cabinet as a punching bag whenever he gets angry and this has caused my pc to hang many times if it's running when he hits it. For this reason, i had to bring out my old p3 pc to show him his cartoons and stuff. While he is awake i am having to shutoff my new pc (i7 config) and exchange my monitor's vga cable between my p3 and i7 as required.

But my question is, can my new pc be still damaged if its been hit when its turned off ? If so, which component is most vulnerable ? The mobo, the ram, the cpu, the video card of the hard disk ? I have very little space in my house for moving my pc to another place. Also is there a way i can protect my pc from his blows by wrapping it wherever feasible with small pillows ? Please help.

id have to disagree, as personally i dont think it fair to introduce a child to religion until they are old enough to make their own decisions and conclusions. and more importantly, teaching them about one religion is simply indoctrination. using religion as a tool to teach a child to behave also seems very unfair.
though the basic premise i understand, and it is important to teach your child the world does not revolve around them, and that they must learn of consequences to their actions.
Not sure why you directed your statement at my post because at no time did I state or imply that religion should forced onto a child. The statement of "put the fear of God" into someone is a metaphor meaning to make one realize that there are larger issues to consider, not literally using religion to put fear into a child.

Quite honestly, it seems like you have a bit of an axe to grind given your opinions on religion; especially introducing religion to a child as indoctrination. I can only imagine whatever events in your life that may have happened to leave you with such negative feelings. Also, from the context of your posts, I would be surprised if you have children of your own.

And, there actually is a Protestant denomination that explicitly believes that a person should be "of an age of reason" before becoming a follower and believer in Jesus Christ; the Baptists.

i directed it at you because you had said about "put the fear of God". i havn't heard that as a metaphor before, so i took that quite litterally.

i didnt mean to sound offensive, im just trying to discuss.

i have no axes to grind, at least not specifically. i just think its unfair to indoctrinate a child in such a way. i know many people affected by it, and it saddens me.

there are many churches that will not allow a person to join until they are a certain age, but that doesnt mean they haven't groomed from birth to join when they reach that age.

the friend i mentioned earlier, was in the same situation.a mormon, at 13 he was given the option to choose if he wanted to be baptized and officially join the church.
but it wasn't really a choice, as his whole family had been telling him since he was a child that everything about the religion was fact.

i had no events that traumatized me to religion. like i said, i simply never had religion forced upon me. and as someone with little faith in mankind (im sure many people feel the same way), its only natural that i distrust man-made religions (i.e, all religion).

i have nothing against those who choose to follow a religion, and its nothing personal. i simply like to discuss these things. but discussing religion with a Christian is often futile. as they refuse to discuss anything, sure in the fact they are correct about it all.

if you do wish to discuss it though, i will gladly do so. i enjoy a friendly discussion. and as heated as they often get, as long as they are not personal i will continue to partake.

you are a christian i assume? and your parents?
if so, perhaps you can share with us your earlier memories of being taught about the religion. when you decided it was true? or was it simply truth as far back as you remember?
religion, by its very foundation, is wrong. it is conceived, developed, and perpetuated by man, and is therefore is fundamentally flawed.
as i said earlier, i am not against the idea of god. but for any person to think they 'understand' what is by definition incomprehensible, is absurd.
i pity those who follow blindly, instead of seeking answers for themselves.
but that is simply a natural reaction by someone who was raised to seek answers to questions, rather than being given them.

I've sat back and listened to you spew crap through this whole thread. This statement has got to be one of the dumbest things I've read. You say nobody can 'understand' the idea of God. And you back that up by saying you pity those who don't 'seek answers for themselves.' If it's impossible to understand, then how are people going to find any answers on their own?

Growing up in a church, with most of my family being Christian, I had it all around me. As children, we do follow a little more blindly. Though, as myself and my fellow peers grew up, we all question our faith. Some left the church.

Earlier you said this "im not against the idea of a god as such, but anything written by man on the subject cannot possibly be truthful. by definition, it SHOULD be beyond our understanding."
If you knew anything about the Christian religion, you would know that the doctrine isn't created by man. Some were written as the disciples 1st hand experiences as taught by Jesus. Others were written as messages from God. The faith is based on reading and following those teachings. There is no reason that it has to be 'beyond our understanding,' the message was meant to be understood.
I've sat back and listened to you spew crap through this whole thread. This statement has got to be one of the dumbest things I've read. You say nobody can 'understand' the idea of God. And you back that up by saying you pity those who don't 'seek answers for themselves.' If it's impossible to understand, then how are people going to find any answers on their own?

Growing up in a church, with most of my family being Christian, I had it all around me. As children, we do follow a little more blindly. Though, as myself and my fellow peers grew up, we all question our faith. Some left the church.

Earlier you said this "im not against the idea of a god as such, but anything written by man on the subject cannot possibly be truthful. by definition, it SHOULD be beyond our understanding."
If you knew anything about the Christian religion, you would know that the doctrine isn't created by man. Some were written as the disciples 1st hand experiences as taught by Jesus. Others were written as messages from God. The faith is based on reading and following those teachings. There is no reason that it has to be 'beyond our understanding,' the message was meant to be understood.

spoken like a true disciple. you've only reaffirmed everything i have said.

"You say nobody can 'understand' the idea of God. And you back that up by saying you pity those who don't 'seek answers for themselves.' If it's impossible to understand, then how are people going to find any answers on their own? "

there is a massive difference between seeking the truth, and claiming to already know it. i know alot about many religions views of the world, and creation and so forth. it is beyond our understanding, but we can still learn what as much as we are willing. by accepting answers given to you by your family/church, you are not learning a anything. simply accepting someone else's truths.

"If you knew anything about the Christian religion, you would know that the doctrine isn't created by man."

i know that this is what the church claims, but obviously i do not accept that. the idea that we are 'all god children' baffles me. we are insignificant in the universe, and i (on my own conclusion) do not accept that there is any truth to that idea. if there is a god, i do not believe it would interact with us in any way. it would be beyond our plain of existence, and beyond our understanding.

remember also that the bible has been re-written and re-translated hundreds of times since its supposed inscription. you think it is unchanged through that? not that i think it ever held any truth, but its a valid point nonetheless.

like i said, just because you claim it to be true, doesn't make it so.

you seem to be getting quite offended, which seems quite typical of any religious person who has their beliefs challenged,
i am not offended by your own ideas, so why can't we discuss them sensibly?

i would genuinely like to hear what you have to say, provided the insults stop. if you would like to discuss it perhaps we can both learn something. or are you adamant that you've nothing to learn?

There were no insults. As I said, for the most part, I've sat back and just read what you have to say.

As a Christian, I wouldn't claim to understand everything. Some things have to be taken on faith. Though, there are a lot of teachings that are clearly black and white.

I think you have a good point in that, people should research their beliefs outside of their place of worship. It can strengthen or sway your beliefs. Myself, I put a lot of stock in scientific discovery. Sadly, science will never be able to prove/disprove religion. But certain discoveries have been able to give some credence.

Why would a God create everything, and then not have anything to do with the creations? That doesn't make any sense to me. We aren't insignificant. We are created in his image. We don't have to understand him to be able to believe.

This is probably a topic to be taken to the news & leisure section though. This has very little to do with the OPs original questions. If you want to continue, let's start a new thread there.
Amen to aford10.

This kind of debate has been going on for thousands of years. Therefore I do not think that it can be solve in a single thread in Tom Hardware's Forum. But of course there could be good outcome when friendly ideas are shared as long as finally each belief is respected and not ridiculed or insulted.

I myself was born a Catholic but never practice it as my parents were lukewarm themselves. At 18 I was an atheist and I hotly debated those those Christians in the University by asking them such questions as "If your god is so powerful, can he make a stone that he can not move?" so destroying their argument about an omnipotent god.

But at some point, I was touched by Christians and joined them in faith. It is hard to explain the feeling and it remains a mystery to me until now.

At 21 I encountered this wonderful book "The Faith Explained" by Leo Trese. It is a Catholic Book. It is nice reading and anyone who wants to challenge the Catholic Faith or learn how to defend it must get this book. I went back to Catholicism after reading this book and have been very happy I did.

I respect all religion and try to understand their belief. However, I do not to try find any error in their doctrines so that I can put it to hot debate. I try to find the good in them and as long as it does not conflict with my own belief, I practice it if I can. Religion in itself do not shape the man. It is man's own personal relationship to God that does. Those who never had this kind of relationship will never understand and find this statement either dumb or crazy.

Apologies to the OP as the thread run way way out of track. I hope you still get something good out of this, anyway.
Hello Moderator??

This is still open.

Please close the door on this thread, it is going no where. You just closed a thread discussing the AMD/Intel polarity of fan base and yet this is still open? I dont get that at all....

Defiantly, violence is not the best answer nor is it the first step.
More like a last resort when all other proper parenting methods have failed.
It's not even that simple. Some children respond to spanking and nothing else. Others can be beaten to a pulp and still defy you but will listen to reasoning. There is no "one rod fits all" to discipline.

i believe there is only one 'god' (as in, the creator referred to as god). as Christianity, Judaism and Islam all worship the same god, but follow different prophets.
You lack any understanding of these religions then. Jews (in general, as there are many denominations including those that believe the Messiah has come already) worship the god of the Old Testament, but they do not recognise the Holy Trinity whereas Christians generally do (once again subject to denominational differences, and in the case of Catholicism, probably a different religion altogether). Islam worships a completely different god, and I don't have time to go through the number of differences.

As soon as I saw you had posted in a thread with "god" mentioned, I knew this image would appear 😉

if you teach your child about religion, it should be about lots of them. not your own. the same goes for those who do not follow a religion. you should not raise your child an atheist, just because you are.
What would be the point of following a religion only to teach your children about all the others? If you truly believe your religion, you will want your kids to know the truth as well. Otherwise you lack faith in your supposed truth. It's not just a story like Santa versus Das Christkind versus your parents putting presents under the tree. It's a fundamental belief system that (should) underpin your thoughts and actions.

Hello Moderator??

This is still open.

Please close the door on this thread, it is going no where. You just closed a thread discussing the AMD/Intel polarity of fan base and yet this is still open? I dont get that at all....

Why haven't you reported the thread if it's a problem? We're not omnipresent like the beings being talked about in the mass of off-topic discussion in this thread. We can't check every thread. I target any thread made by a handful of members here because I know they are going to be... active... but the rest I scour through randomly. The only reason I looked at this thread at all is because it got to 2 pages. The thread title made me think it would be another thread that makes no sense that nobody replied to.
Perhaps we could just cut the last half of this thread and paste it in the quite empty Religion section?
I do, however, find it quite humorous when god faring folk try to convince everyone else their god is more real than all the others :na:
I'd love to be able to do that, however thread splitting is as yet an elusive feature. I'll move it tomorrow morning if it hasn't been moved already. I know nobody is going to know it's been moved unless I say so beforehand.
It's not even that simple. Some children respond to spanking and nothing else. Others can be beaten to a pulp and still defy you but will listen to reasoning. There is no "one rod fits all" to discipline.
Perhaps it is not that simple, luckily I have no kids so I have no first hand experience.
I understand the point you are making and, while I agree with it, I believe other methods should be explored before handing out spankings.
If it is found that spankings are the only disciplinary method that works, by all means wail away 😀
Just don't use it as the exclusive form of punishment and do your best to be a good parent beyond the punishment (setting a proper example, explaining why their actions where right/wrong, etc.).
Spankings alone do not make a good kid...
You lack any understanding of these religions then. Jews (in general, as there are many denominations including those that believe the Messiah has come already) worship the god of the Old Testament, but they do not recognise the Holy Trinity whereas Christians generally do (once again subject to denominational differences, and in the case of Catholicism, probably a different religion altogether). Islam worships a completely different god, and I don't have time to go through the number of differences.
Hmm, sorry, nope. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions and believe in the same God.
i have no axes to grind, at least not specifically. i just think its unfair to indoctrinate a child in such a way. i know many people affected by it, and it saddens me.

there are many churches that will not allow a person to join until they are a certain age, but that doesnt mean they haven't groomed from birth to join when they reach that age.

the friend i mentioned earlier, was in the same situation.a mormon, at 13 he was given the option to choose if he wanted to be baptized and officially join the church.
but it wasn't really a choice, as his whole family had been telling him since he was a child that everything about the religion was fact.
The fact remains that your friend was given a choice to either join the Church or not. The Church has nothing to do with whatever influence the family has placed on him and while it may have weighed heavily in his decision; ultimately he was given a choice. Man has free will, if he fails to exercise it, then he forfeits his right to do so.

Certainly forcing religion (or anything for that matter) on a child will lead to resentment. But, as with most things, the minority does not speak for the millions of people who have grown up with religion and are not resentful. As a matter of fact, I will argue that the majority of people raised with religion are happy for that fact.

i had no events that traumatized me to religion. like i said, i simply never had religion forced upon me. and as someone with little faith in mankind (im sure many people feel the same way), its only natural that i distrust man-made religions (i.e, all religion).
Your own lack of faith is not cause to put religion on trial. I would go as far to say that it is because of your lack of religious faith that you have little faith in mankind.

you are a christian i assume? and your parents? If so, perhaps you can share with us your earlier memories of being taught about the religion. when you decided it was true? or was it simply truth as far back as you remember?
You assume correct, I am Christian. This is not about my parents or upbringing. However, I am a man of faith who makes is own decisions and lives up to the responsibility and consequences of his actions. It is because I was raised in faith that I make that statement with confidence and live a fulfilled life.

What you fail to recognize is that religion and faith is as old as mankind and goes hand in hand with the human condition. By the fact that we have opposable thumbs and a highly developed brain, regardless if it is as a result of creation or evolution, Man inherently looks at the stars at night and asks the question, "Why?". It is impossible not to. It is by our very nature and inherent in our physiology to question and believe.

Given that you have little faith or no faith at all is reason enough to make an objective study of religion and learn as much as you can about the various faiths of the world. If you haven't already, an easy place to start is by taking a World Religion class at a College or University. Use that highly developed brain to question yourself and seek formal education rather than relying on the opinions of others or your own skewed perceptions.
OK, I have an active 2-yr-old, soon to turn 3 next month, and my solution was to let him use an old Pentium-166 machine which is set up in my basement office next to my C2Q. He enjoys playing Loderunner & some other old games (incl. Living Books - Just Grandma & Me, Little Monster, etc) and he is quite happy to be computing next to me (Dragon Age, etc). If he gets stuck on something I just scoot over & fix it for him. Only problem is that he loves to shout at the top of his lungs when the red monks eat his loderunner 😀. So I bought a nice set of Razer 5-channel headphones 😛. And actually he has sneezed boogers on the old 19" monitor a couple of times, but a damp washcloth cleans that up.

If he breaks the P-166, no problem as it has far outlived its usefulness for me anyway. And he understands that he will be without any computer for quite some time. I had an old Dell lappy that he used to use in the kitchen, and when I came home one evening and found it broken, he went without any computer for 2 months. However I eventually decided that it probably was not his fault, as the Dell used the 7900GTX nVidia card and we all know nVidia had trouble with their mobile GPUs at that time.

If he gets too excited or tired or something, I just tell him time to go upstairs and he usually cooperates, although occasionally he'll pitch a tantrum like any kid will. Or I bribe him with a snack - works pretty well too.
If I can make another point about this here religious issues.

Can anyone tell me the difference between a cult and a religion?

@fazers - The problem isn't really the kid wanting to use a computer it is him deliberately attacking it during a tantrum no doubt because he knows it is valuable.

It is like my last dog, who would always try and seek out the most valuable items if he wasn't getting his own way and I sure as hell wouldn't go kicking the crap out of him.
Well to spare your computer from abuse, you must first tech your child that tantrums will not result in them getting their way. Every child is unique in what works. Some timeout works, some take away tv and some may need their little ass spanked. Bottom line is treat the problem, not the symptom. Since their is no respect for the computer, I would not allow the child to even step in close proximity to it even when they are behaving. Good luck.
If I can make another point about this here religious issues.

Can anyone tell me the difference between a cult and a religion?
This is a baited question. In the strictest of terms and in the literal sense, there is little difference between a cult and religion. However, from an anthropological point of view there is significant difference between a cult and religion.

Popular culture is a cult, Darwinism is a cult, Scientology is a cult...

Judiasm, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Toaism, Confucianism, Ba'Hai, Shintoism, Hinduism, Sikhism, etc are religions.

man, i stick by these rules

if religion is telling you to be peaceful and not stick the drug needle up your arm, then religion exists and there are redemption, and may you follow it like a true champion.
if religion is telling you to become a extremist and to pacifily all opposition, then you should treat it as the leprechaun in your head, telling you to burn things.

religion is only good when one has a spiritual need, not for when one seeks a reason to what they wish to do anyway.
yeah ok...

I'd warn those who like to use psychological techniques to get their children "co-operate" to be Very very careful how they go about it.

Especially as these techniques do not seem nearly as severe as a rare 1 off beating for something really bad... becomes tempting to use them Far too liberally ALL the time to varying degrees.

This can literally CRUSH a child’s character for ever and is arguably the cruellest torture of them all.

I have seen the result of this before in quite a few families. Those poor broken children who don't do Anything out of line, end up quiet, boring and internally depressed/subdued and is for me one of the saddest things I have ever seen in children + my (possible) friends at the time :pfff:

To be honest I never ended up having any friends like that for long, they came briefly and went, they were boring and there were more fun people to play with, with more adventurous spirits. I was so grateful to have my parents :bounce:

Children should have an excited energy about them and always be ready to play or have fun. Now and then if they step too far out of line a swift spank with a few tears + after all is forgiven in no time ---> and they are back off playing again and happy.

This is last method is how I was treated and it was exceptionally rare that I got a beating as almost never did anything wrong - and not out of fear, but out of respect for boundaries and an understanding of treat those around you as you would like to be treated 😛
The answer is actually numbers. Nothing else.
Nope sorry, numbers alone do not make a cult become a religion. By that logic, if the Hare Krishna's, Unification Church, and Branch Davidian's had a few million more members they would be considered a religion and not a cult. I think not.

Oh and buddism and confucianism aren't religions. Ways, beliefs but not religions.
Hmm, again, nope, sorry. The exception might be Confucianism which defines itself more as a belief system but given the total history of Confucianism it is considered a religion. Voodoo is more a belief system than Confucianism.

And don't even start with "darwinism". Whatever the hell you think that is.[/quotemsg]
Bill Hicks said it well enough for me with his positive LSD news story:

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves."

We exist on a wonderful Planet where we can all have and share in our own beliefs and still be able to follow our own paths and understandings while seeing truth in them all between the peoples and various culture's religions or beliefs from all over the World.

If freedom is Heaven, then we already are there.

Peace and Love
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