I've sat back and listened to you spew crap through this whole thread. This statement has got to be one of the dumbest things I've read. You say nobody can 'understand' the idea of God. And you back that up by saying you pity those who don't 'seek answers for themselves.' If it's impossible to understand, then how are people going to find any answers on their own?
Growing up in a church, with most of my family being Christian, I had it all around me. As children, we do follow a little more blindly. Though, as myself and my fellow peers grew up, we all question our faith. Some left the church.
Earlier you said this "im not against the idea of a god as such, but anything written by man on the subject cannot possibly be truthful. by definition, it SHOULD be beyond our understanding."
If you knew anything about the Christian religion, you would know that the doctrine isn't created by man. Some were written as the disciples 1st hand experiences as taught by Jesus. Others were written as messages from God. The faith is based on reading and following those teachings. There is no reason that it has to be 'beyond our understanding,' the message was meant to be understood.
spoken like a true disciple. you've only reaffirmed everything i have said.
"You say nobody can 'understand' the idea of God. And you back that up by saying you pity those who don't 'seek answers for themselves.' If it's impossible to understand, then how are people going to find any answers on their own? "
there is a massive difference between seeking the truth, and claiming to already know it. i know alot about many religions views of the world, and creation and so forth. it is beyond our understanding, but we can still learn what as much as we are willing. by accepting answers given to you by your family/church, you are not learning a anything. simply accepting someone else's truths.
"If you knew anything about the Christian religion, you would know that the doctrine isn't created by man."
i know that this is what the church claims, but obviously i do not accept that. the idea that we are 'all god children' baffles me. we are insignificant in the universe, and i (on my own conclusion) do not accept that there is any truth to that idea. if there is a god, i do not believe it would interact with us in any way. it would be beyond our plain of existence, and beyond our understanding.
remember also that the bible has been re-written and re-translated hundreds of times since its supposed inscription. you think it is unchanged through that? not that i think it ever held any truth, but its a valid point nonetheless.
like i said, just because you claim it to be true, doesn't make it so.
you seem to be getting quite offended, which seems quite typical of any religious person who has their beliefs challenged,
i am not offended by your own ideas, so why can't we discuss them sensibly?
i would genuinely like to hear what you have to say, provided the insults stop. if you would like to discuss it perhaps we can both learn something. or are you adamant that you've nothing to learn?