Question How to Read AMD GPU SKU number

If the product number is 11306-02-20g or 11306-09-20g what's the difference?
The SKU is coming out to a Sapphire Pulse RX 6700 XT GPU. The main difference appears to be the form factor. The 11306-02 is a 2.2 slot ATX whereas the 11306-09 is a 2.7 slot ATX (thicker and longer).

Dimensions are as follows for the 02:
2.2 slot, ATX
Dimension: 260(L)X 119.85(W)X 49(H)mm

And for the 09:
2.7 slot, ATX
Dimension: 280(L)X 122.75(W)X 50.47(H)mm

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The SKU is coming out to a Sapphire Pulse RX 6700 XT GPU. The main difference appears to be the form factor. The 11306-02 is a 2.2 slot ATX whereas the 11306-09 is a 2.7 slot ATX (thicker and longer).

Dimensions are as follows for the 02:
2.2 slot, ATX
Dimension: 260(L)X 119.85(W)X 49(H)mm

And for the 09:
2.7 slot, ATX
Dimension: 280(L)X 122.75(W)X 50.47(H)mm

Thanks, but is their any performance or any other advantages for that?