How to Revote the Patriot Act (Warrantless Wire Tapping aka Prism)and restore the appearance of freedom to the united states

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I like the vid on risers link, it mentions terrorists more times by government officials other than republicans than Ive heard since waaaaaaaaaaaay before the election.
Now I guess its OK to take out and dust off that word.

PS I dont want to suffer fools, and is why Im against many dems who follow the party line, like before the election, terrorism and terrorists werent to be mentioned, and now, they want to defend why they need to spy on us.
I know, many republicans thinks its OK as well, get rid of them as well, way I see it, its 4 to 1, dems lose
In essence the U.S. Government cannot be trusted any longer.Sad indeed.

Your statement in the sigma to my thesis. Well done!
The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
I guess Jefferson was onto something here, tho of course, some people, and todays leaders knew soooo much more than he did, now, lets see them prove it to me, and alot, to regain my trust

All governments are made from people. The only chance I see for us to gain back trust in government is for the people running it to come forward when their line of work involves violating the constitution or laws. It breaks my heart to think that there are people getting paid to do something fundamentally wrong, and they keep quiet because of some sworn statement (I have to assume they didn't know the details before signing).
I watched a guy on TV, lawyer, he was saying that Snowden did illegal acts.
He then went on to say he has represented others who stood against government policy, all classified, where in some cases we heard about it, and others where we hadnt heard about it, and his clients won, and therefore no leaks were surfaced.
But, to condemn Snowden just because he didnt come to this lawyer is what we see once again from our system, and some things need to be known and discussed, so our leaders can hear from us, and if such a person "wins" the peoples arguments side, or if this is also found unconstitutional, how then can a whistleblower be guilty?
Prosecuting Snowden is a step in the wrong direction for regaining our trust, because.....our constitution says, we are innocent until proven guilty, tho many in our government have also forgotten this

Can I say I told you so?

I so told everyone so. Just down in the paranoid penguin parade.

Us crazy open-sorcerers trying to get PATRIOT revoked.

Last few paragraphs are the most important ones.

So the EFF was right. Surprise surprise.

FACT: The internet is full of rubbish and there are few gems out there.

You need a decent education and a decent upbringing.

Do we really need more paranid tripe ?


Starting a thread with references to Nazis and Israel?

Seriously ... If I were Jewish and I deleted every thread with a reference to Israel or the Nazis the internet would likely shrink by 30% ... add the extremist Islammic rubbish and all that would be left would be a bucketload of porn, anime, and illegal music, tv and Glenn Beck videos ... wait no ... I'd delete them too.

wiki is full of twisted rubbish and since nobody pays to access reputable databases, encyclopedias, and one can't find (due to the search engines being bought out by advertisers of penis enhancing medication) anything of worth inside the first pages on any given search its just time to give up.

I'm depressed now so I am going back to Freelancer ...

Free books? Free education!??!


That's why. No pay, no way...
Sometimes i wish this dam internet never existed period. It is nothing but trouble and aggravation.

My two cents:

This is absolutely not surprising if you look at basic human nature. There are two major reasons to want to be in a position of power in a group. The first reason is to obtain personal power and influence by using the power of the group to benefit yourself and your backers. The second is to fight with the dominant group in power to decrease their power/influence over you and your supporters. Many folks here also get the side benefit of increasing their own personal influence by being notoriously noisy in opposition and that's really why they do it.

The power and influence of government is cyclical. Governments start out small and with limited powers but then grow as the citizens want the government to "do more" to help them. This attracts the power seekers who continually increase the power of the government as it benefits themselves. The massive government then becomes too unwieldy and collapses under its own weight or becomes too onerous to the citizens who then overthrow it. A small, limited government gets installed in reaction to the excesses of the previous huge government. This new government then undergoes scope creep yet again as people want it to "do more" and the cycle continues. The founders knew this and tried to put a hard limit on the expansion of the government to stop the cycle since that hadn't really been done before and they thought it might work, or at least was better than the alternative. But even that effort still fell victim to the cyclical nature of governments due to human nature.

We are currently in the "massive onerous government" stage of the cycle. The current government is mainly comprised of power seekers which is obvious in looking at the reaction to this PRISM scandal. You see a bunch of folks from both parties supporting the PRISM program as it increases their power. They viciously attack anybody who opposes them. That's why the Tea Party was targeted by the Democrat-controlled government in the IRS scandal and in coordinated media attacks during the election- they were an organized oppose-the-power-seekers group. That's why some Republicans are implying that folks who oppose the PRISM program are aiding and abetting terrorism. Our government being huge and dominated by power seekers explains why little actually changes when there are large numbers of people voted out of government and new ones take their place- the newly elected are mostly the same kind of power seeker as the people they are replacing.

The only way anything will change is when the government collapses under its own weight by running out of money to borrow to fund itself. That certainly seems to be the way things are headed as the current power seekers in power have realized that doing the "soft" Big Brother state and not getting too onerous like past states did is the best way to prolong their reign of power. They'd also like to be able to safely retire if they are still in power when the party ends rather than being voted out of life with a plurality of bullets. My guess is that the significant shrinking part of the cycle happens in 20-50 years depending on just how much power the power-seekers cling to when we are in serious financial trouble. If they keep going full speed ahead like they are now, it will be a pretty quick collapse in around 20 years. My prediction is that we follow Europe's path starting in about 10 years when we end up Europe's current situation of a do-or-die debt crunch situation. There will be some significant decreases in the size and scope of government that accrued since the post-WWI era over the subsequent several decades, dictated by financial constraints. Then we will end up with a smaller government for a couple of generations until the majority of the populace forgot what happened in the early-mid 21st century and again wants the government to "do more."

Unfortunately to most of the folks reading this who are probably between the ages of 15 and 35- you are very possibly going to spend most of your productive adult life in the crap part of the governmental cycle. It really started in 2001 with the massive power grab from the 9/11 related laws and the generally continually poor economy since the tech bubble burst that same year. However your grandchildren or great-grandchildren will probably be able to live in a better situation so there is some hope for the future. TEACH THEM WELL so they have half a chance of remembering what happened during our lifetimes and push the screwing it up back a generation or so.
Here is a question for the THG community: I don't like people spying on me. I vale privacy. However, it seems as though we lump together criminal/wrongful activity with privacy. IIf I have nothing to hide, why do I need to wory about the government spying on me? I am not doing anything worong. They won't use my information against me? Anyone who challenges this is a conspiracy theorist. However, I am not a conspiracy theorist. Bunch'a loonies,( no, rey, we are not talking about money here,) who think the NWO is here to destroy us...etc...What I see is an overcomplicated attempt to stop 'terrorists'. What scares me is what is the legal defenition of 'terrorist'? Anyone who inflicts terror! so, by that logic...if the government fears the people, then we are the terrorists? Right?

Talks amongst yourselves!

The issue is that the government isn't only interested in surveillance to identify criminal activity. They are clearly interested in surveillance of perfectly legal activity for their political purposes. The reporter wiretapping scandal involving the Associated Press, Fox News, and now it sounds like CBS as well, identify this. The government wanted to do that surveillance in order to be able to pre-emptively deflect and/or discredit any news that came out that made it look bad (in this case, with the "green energy" and Benghazi scandals). So you may not be doing anything illegal but if you do things they merely don't like such as support an opposition candidate or yourself run for office and oppose them, they could very easily go back through their records and find something that you said/wrote/texted/posted at some point in the past, take it way out of context, blow it way out of proportion, and absolutely beat you over the head with it to take the public's eyes off of the real policy issues and turn them to some non-"scandal" about you until you drop out of the race. I call it the Herman Cain effect, although I don't know if Cain actually had any wiretapping done to him. But the premise is the same. You absolutely have the right to oppose the current elected officials and their spying on you in order to perform a character assassination lest you ever oppose them is a very chilling effect on the political system, not to mention unconstitutional. THAT'S why you have something to "hide" even though you are not doing anything actually illegal.

The whole "conspiracy theorist" bit is yet more propaganda put out there by the government for its own benefit. They want to automatically discredit anybody who opposes them so they can get away with as much as possible. By the way, something is not a conspiracy theory when it has been demonstrated to be very much true on multiple occasions.

What if you are doing something like many other people and the government didn't like it after spying on your "nothing to hide" scenario. Then they pass a law making it illegal and come after you? :)

My buddy used to buy his cigarettes from the UAE. One day, Homeland Security sent him a letter stating if he ordered any more items from the UAE they would prosecute them. He was elminating the middle man when ordering his cigarettes and the US Gov't didn't like their loss of revenue on that one.

Your buddy probably was already violating import duty laws and Homeland Security simply found out about it. If he was being 100% legal, he should have replied to DHS and told them that what he was doing is legal and they are very free to lose any case they would take up against him. The only odd thing here is that it was DHS trying to enforce customs laws instead of the agency that is actually in charge of this, the Immigration and Customs Service.
There was nothing illegal about it. They later on passed a law against it because so many people started buying cigarettes when the bans and increased taxes went into effect. This would have been around 2002-2003 time frame. That's just it, they pass laws when they find out people have other options around it.