How to see if I have dx 9 installed on WIndows 10


Aug 2, 2015
Hello all, I play Smite a lot, but since I have the R9 380 I get very low FPS and on forums people with the same card say to install DX 9 to resolve the issue, I have Windows 10 and I downloaded DX 9 I went through the file with all the updates or winrar folders of different months and just clicked on "DXSETUP". This is what I clicked, its circled in blue, is that correct?
Does that mean its installed?
Thanks for the support


Apr 1, 2014
You can check this by typing 'dxdiag' (without quotes) in the search or run window. It'll state the directX version you have. If it states, Directx 11, this is probably because most of the new graphics cards run on directx 11, and since Directx 11 is better at hyperthreading, it gives an advantage to the multicore CPU. Also, Windows 10 probably comes with the directx 11. But Smite is programmed to run on Directx9, so I'd advice you to download i from the Microsoft Website, and install it. You can later run dxdiag to check if it is installed.
Have a great day!

I knew somebody was going to say that. While technically true, most of the extensions used by games are not installed. Generally the game installer will run DXSetup that is included with it.

If you got the one that has all the different months in the folder, that is the correct offline installer. Don't know if it will help your Smite issue or not, but it is likely already installed if you play any Steam games so it prolly didn't do anything when you attempted to install it.