How to switch to touch typing?


Oct 15, 2016
So i have been using the "Hunt and peck method" my whole life and i really want to switch to it to improve my typing speeds and not look like a dork in my business tech class.
Currently with the "hunt and peck" method i can average around 48WPM (without punctuation) which is pretty pathetic.

If anyone has any tips on how to learn to touch type it would be greatly appreciated.

Mavis Beacon taught me how to type.
I touch by type and am certified at 85+ WPM including errors.

It uses games and things to have you build muscle memory, works really well.

Mavis Beacon taught me how to type.
I touch by type and am certified at 85+ WPM including errors.

It uses games and things to have you build muscle memory, works really well.

As much as I hated it, we had an entire typing course when I was in middle school in the early 2000's that used Mavis Beacon, and it taught me well.

We also had to use those disgusting looking rubber keyboard covers so we couldn't cheat and look at keys.

The only way is to practice. You can start by typing a passage that's out in front of you. Force yourself not to look at the keyboard. It'll be slow at first, but soon you'll get the hang of it.