How to tell if my gpu is fried.


Jun 11, 2008
So I am running two 2gb msi 560ti's in sli and recently had the computer lock up twice while playing L.A. Noire. After that, I seem to have green lines horizontally across my screen. I've been running this setup since BF3 came out, so I don't believe it to be a system problem at all. It appears MSI has a solid three year warranty on the card, which is good, but how do I verify before I start that process up (especially right before bioshock infinite comes out and I am systemless) that I have a bad card or which one it is etc.?

Thanks for any ideas.

I don't have another screen, but I will try the cards one at a time in the first slot and see if I get improved results from one card over the other. Are there benchmark utilities you'd suggest. That gets out of my realm.
Looking for any more help here. I have run each card separate in my pc and get the same results as running them in sli. Still have the lock ups and the green artifacting all over. I did run them through the new futuremark three times if that is a benchmark untility you would suggest. No problems there that I can see. I can post the numbers of two of them if that is helpful at all. Also it appeared on the graph that my heat topped out at 69C.

Messed around with both hard drives a whole bunch so that I don't think that is the issue. I don't think my 1000w psu is the issue. Do you have any thoughts on any other hardware that would cause the lock ups and the green artifacting? I can't find anything in gpu-z or futuremark that shows me an issue with the cards, but the green artifacting just screams gpu's to me.

Possibly a driver issue?
Go to start menu, right click computer and hit manage
Go to Device Manager, and find your cards in the display tab.
Open the properties and hit "Roll Back Driver" and see if that helps. If not, just reinstall the previous drivers you had
Monitor completely stopped displaying images now, though it is functioning otherwise (still turns on, lights up, menu buttons are lighting and moving, but no image) but it appears this is common for my monitor along with a whole pile of other issues unfortunately (hxd3000). I found some threads that relate a way to open up the monitor and solder the part that is most likely malfunctioning because of a lost connection.

On a separate note...

So, my build has completely crapped out on my this week, so I'm back here looking for more help if anyone has thoughts on what I've been having happen. I still can't figure out for sure what is causing all of my problems. I'm finding my parts all continue to fail one at a time and then come back to me, so I'm wondering again if that sounds like a motherboard issue that is the hub for all of them? Right now I am burning dvd's for a project at school in my classroom this week, so I'm pushing my pc to burn about 60 dvd's this weekend if I can manage it. What is happening is I can get my pc to run for a set amount of time before it locks up. It's very consistent. For example, right now I can boot and burn two dvd's every time without issues and then restart and repeat without any lockups. Every time I try to push it to make a third burn it locks up. This seems like a heating issue or perhaps some sort of processing issue that is can handle a certain amount of task, but then reaches the same point every time and can't handle more. Does this sound like anything identifiable to anyone?

Thanks guys.

Do you have a spare Graphics card you can throw in there and see if it fixes it?

If you don't can you ask a friend if you can borrow one of theirs or something?
If it isnt your graphics card it very well could be your mobo.

What kind of mobo do you have and what kind of card do you have?

Also how large is your power supply? Maybe you are putting out too much power and it cant handle it
Yeah tried messing around with gpu's. I took out my two 560 ti's and am currently running just one gtx 280 with no change. I thought my parts were in my signature, but you are the second post to ask for them, so perhaps they aren't showing like I think they are. Motherboard is an old evga 790i ultra. I have a gtx 280 ftw plugged in right now but only because I took my two 560 ti's out to see if that would help. Can't find any overheating in my gpu's with gpu-z or the new futuremark. I don't think it's them, though they'd be under warranty still if it were. PSU is a 1000W Zalman that I have been using in the system since I put this build together in 2008 some time. It ran until about a year and a half ago with the single gtx 280 and basically the same components. A year and a half ago I moved to the two 2gb 560 ti's when BF3 was released.

Didnt even notice your signature. Sorry

Try using just 1 of your 560ti's at a time

Plug one in, and do whatever it is that makes it glitch out. If it glitches, put the other in and do the same thing.
See if one of them is having problems.
If they both work individually maybe there is some SLI bridge problem or something?

Im not a computer expert by any means, but im trying to help the best i can!!

Didn't mean to come across as aggressive is I did. I appreciate any help. I'm basically at the point where I am going to send in my motherboard RMA as soon as I can burn the rest of these dvd's for my classroom (probably Monday night) because I've had pretty much everything fail and then sort of work again and I can't find anything specific to call a cause. I'm thinking the motherboard is the brains that all of the other components work through so I'm hoping replacing that will take care of the other problems (except for my bricked monitor).

I did try each gpu single with no change, and sli and even tried them only in the secondary pci express slot but was told by the pc it needed on in the first slot to run (maybe a bad pci express lane?) and I remembered I had my old gtx 280 and that's what I'm currently running without any better luck. I just can't figure out why it keeps locking up. I can't find any heat problems or new hardware changes and the motherboard was installed in 2008, so maybe it's had enough. If I get a new motherboard and still can't find success, then I'm really in trouble. :)

I would have to agree! 😛
I hope RMAing it and getting a new one works for you!

Sorry I couldn't quite figure it out, but with the stuff you are saying it probably is the motherboard... I hope
I believe I may have solved the original problem with stability by getting help doing a firmware update from crucial with my ssd boot drive. Still going to rma the board as they have confirmed that two of the dimms for ram are dead.

Thanks for all of the help guys.