How to uninstall Windows Technical Preview and re-install Windows 8.1?


Dec 26, 2013

I recently downloaded the Windows Technical Preview, to try out Windows 10.
I am now trying to uninstall it and re-install Windows 8.1, while keeping all my files.
When looking at my installed updates, it does not show anything related to Windows 8.1, so does this mean it's the default OS?
I have an 8gb flash drive, as well as a dvd burner.
Also, if you need my system specs for any reason, I will reply with them.
Please help me with installing Windows 8.1 again, while keeping all my files.

No... if your machine came with win 8.1 and UEFI then the windows code can be stored in UEFI and so if you reinstall windows.. the key is retained/available..
If you have more traditional machine and BIOS.. then you will need key. there are freeware products which can read your existing window key from your machine. Many antivirus tools consider them "malware" and go crazy when you try and use them.. but they are fine (or I should say.. the one I use is fine).. but due to their status.. not sure I allowed to give you specific info.. may breach Toms terms of use..
But sure some simple google searches will get you there.



I tried that, and it only shows the windows technical preview one...maybe if I try more software?
note that this was an OEM version of windows, if that helps..