How to Update my AMD Drivers?

I'm literally looking everywhere and there is nowhere to update my drivers. I have version 16.6 currently and need to get 16.11. Where is the update button in this control panel??

I would suggest removing all existing drivers and then installing the latest drivers and see if that resolves your issue then.

I know on my machine, I have the Radeon Settings, where I can access Wattman, etc. and I also have a separate Crimson application that shows me my driver version, game library, and optimized games, etc. The Crimson application is where it allows me to update drivers and tells me if I have the latest version.
You would have to uninstall your old drivers, it will uninstall the drivers itself if you chose to run the installer.
You retain the old catalyst for certain functionality that the crimson UI can't support or hasn't been implemented into yet (Probably won't happen as they haven't changed much since the first crimson came out.)

That, I'm not so sure about. I would think so. If that does not work, I would just uninstall the drivers and install the new ones.