how to upgrade from windows xp to windows7 without a cd/dvd?

vaishali gohil

May 26, 2015
i am having a very old version of windows,i.e. windows xp which is no longer supported by microsoft :??:i want to upgrade it to windows 7 but dont have any cd/dvd to do that.what should i do to get it (windows 7) safely in my personal computer?

MicroCenter is still selling valid Windows 7 editions that come with their own product key. Although they're labeled as "OEM", they're actually single-licence retail versions -- i.e. if you ever replace your motherboard, you can still reinstall & reuse it on that PC, you just can't share it between multiple PCs.

And as pointed out before, Windows 7 is still supported, it's just in the "extended" portion.
You need to buy a Windows 7 DVD complete with licence & Product Key.
However, town & city computer stores no longer stock Windows 7 now, Microsoft took all the unsold discs back to force people to buy Windows 8 instead.

However, you can still buy fully legal & genuine Windows 7 on Amazon so try there.

You will have to remove Windows XP first, you can't upgrade XP to Windows 7, it has to be a clean install.

But before you rush headlong into buying Windows 7 you first need to check that you can get Windows 7 drivers for your PC model, so check on the PC maker's website first.

If it's a custom-built PC, check the motherboard maker's website instead.
"Also Win7 is no longer supported by Microsoft."

That simple statement is not totally correct, it needs qualifying:

And in any event that's no reason to pass it over as a choice of OS. The OP simply asked where he could get it, not why he shouldn't get it.

I've been using Win7 since it's initial release and never once had to use Microsoft Support. We shouldn't dissuade members from installing what is a perfectly stable and capable OS (and more liked than Win8 apparently).
You can legally download windows 7, from microsoft as well. Then purchase a legitimate cd key from microsoft. Often times when purchasing a new laptop to save like 10 cents they will not ship it with a cd. the first thing I always do with a new laptop is a clean install to remove bloat and organize it the way I want. I have often had to download an image of windows 7 then either use the cd key provided with the laptop or purchase a new cd key if downgrading from windows 8.


Yes you can legally download a Windows 7 DVD image from Microsoft, but they no longer issue Product Keys for it.
You need to already have a genuine Key in order to download it - - the download service is for those who have a valid Key but no installation disc.

MicroCenter is still selling valid Windows 7 editions that come with their own product key. Although they're labeled as "OEM", they're actually single-licence retail versions -- i.e. if you ever replace your motherboard, you can still reinstall & reuse it on that PC, you just can't share it between multiple PCs.

And as pointed out before, Windows 7 is still supported, it's just in the "extended" portion.