How to use a different resolutioned cursor?


Jul 17, 2015
So I was editing a working in background cursor to spruce it up a bit, when I noticed there were 3 different resolutions for it, 64x64, 48x48, and 32x32

Only thing is, windows is using the 32x32 version when I select it for a cursor, but I want it to use the 64x64

(Why? Well I imported a cursor that I wanted to add a working thing onto it to make it a working in background cursor aswell. Only thing is, the cursor only retains it's size in 64x64 version. So whenever I get the working in background cursor in windows the cursor gets really big because the size was not retained. Only in the 64x64 was it retained.)

Is there any way to force windows to use the 64 bit cursor or am I stuck with a freakishly large working in background cursor?
I never really said it depended on CPU architecture (x86/x64) I just wanted to know how I could get windows to use the different resolution cursor.

Im using the Realworld Cursor editor and when editing, it shows that the cursor has 3 different resolutions available, and does not give me an option to change which one is saved.