How to wipe hd and install new os from disc?


Apr 26, 2015
I need a tutorial to follow that will walk me through switching to to a os and wiping my hd in the process. i already have a backup of everything i want to save just need something good i can follow on my phone and do it properly.

Would help to know what OS you're trying to install.

For Windows installations, during the install process, you will be prompted for a location to install the OS. At this point, there should be an option to format the hard drive (it may be under "Advanced Options").

-Wolf sends
i dont think so but ill do what i have to. thanks for the link. random question about linux.. iv noticed every picture iv seen online of peoples desktops on linux never have a very interesting background. it seems like you can only use stock linux backgrounds. is it possible to use a picture of my choice off the internet as my background? thanks for your help

Download and save that pic somewhere.

In Mint:
Background tab
Find and select what you saved