How well will skyrim run on my pc?


Jan 11, 2013
This is my setup

Memory: 8192mb of Ram Direct x 11

Processor: Intel i5-3570k CPU @ 3.40 ghz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)

Video Card: AMD Diamond Radeon HD 7850 2gb

My monitor is 1980x1020

Any help from a pro?
Oooooooh 60ish fps, I like that. I'm probably gonna put Skyrim on my 1000mb hard drive because WoW is already installed on my SSD. I Just want it to run better than the xbox, cause that system gets rather lame. That's also with Direct X 9 o:
Yeah you should be maxing it out at 60fps no problem. I do fine on maxed settings excluding aa/af and view distance @ somewhere hovering around 50fps.

With a that texturepack combiner mod (using the "lite" versions of the mods) I am around 30fps, I do need to turn down some settings like view distance, I think I have it set to 12. Been a while since I played so.

Heres my specs (your cpu is vastly superior)
Athlon 2 x3
6870 1gb
4gb ddr2
etc, etc, etc.
without modding you'll be running skyrim at max or near max with no problems.

with modding... well, you'd have to be really pushing it, but I did manage to almost break my 7970 with a heavily modded skyrim recently 😛 (P.S. I did it just to see if it's possible, a lot of the extra shading, textures etc honestly doens't make a big difference)