How You Become a CPU Fan Boy! or a Fan Boy at that...


Oct 11, 2005
How a CPU Fan Boy is born.... or any Fan Boy at that…

Most often a Fan Boy is a Computer guy who got into computers without having many friends around to guide him "or even to many un-educated friends". They went out & read some reviews and looked at a few forums and got general ideas of a certain product they were looking for. Once they found the items of choice they decide to buy their first real new computer "other than the one Mom and Dad have had for the last 4 years" Usually they purchase an E-machine or a Dell type of computer that has what seems to be good specs.... Now the down hill drop.

Now they realize they got ripped of when buying this system and decides they can build there own with the best of parts since they think they are computer savvy... this is where the real Fan Boy comes to stands out... They now save all their pennies and buy parts to build a new computer. But usually they get 1 really good item and skimp on the rest of the build... lets say the 1 item is an AMD Athlon 64 4000+ CPU... now they just spent $400+ on this little CPU so gosh dang right they are going to claim that their new CPU is number one, and will fight tooth and nail to convince not only other users but himself so that they feel there purchase was a good choice once again and no other brand is better than what they bought.

This seems to be the common result. As no one programmed us to think AMD, or Intel or even Nvidia or ATI. It all comes down to when we spend a ton of money on new items we become tied into that item. So we feel the need to defend it. And thus we have a Fan Boy.

Now sometimes we have Fan Boys jump the wagon, this usually happens when a price is too good to be true on the other brand. The reason they even bought the other brand this time was because, they have been so 1 track minded the whole time and finally decide to give the other brand a chance Cause they really don’t know how good or bad it is. Usually this happens when it is new tech. So now the ATI Fan Boy jumps to Nvidia not even realizing his old tech can’t compare to the new, and when they play on the new tech & the old just seems horrible. Thus creating the Fan Boy Jumper…

Now this is just my over sight of how Fan Boys come about. But feel free to chip your 2 cents in. How do you think Fan Boys are born?
You know what, I had an E-machine, and I realized it was, and I did build a computer. I didn't though put all my cash into a CPU, or a video card. I got good products all around. I got a 3500 because that was in my price range. I don't rave about, or really support AMD. I'm aware through doing some research that the AMD product line is better than the Intel products avalible. That simple. When Intel comes out with their new CPUs I'll check out some reviews, here and other places, and compare them to my current rig. If they still generate insane amounts of heat and don't compare in the benchmarks, o' well, lets see what the other guy has.

Of course if you did spend 100s of dollars on a new Intel CPU and you though you got the best out there, then you come here where in every post I read about someones plans to get an intel they are told go for the AMD. Well, then you might become a fanboy. Or you can just make troll posts even if you really don't care either way...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My first PC was a Commodore 64. It was mine. Not my mom's. Not my dad's. Mine.

My second PC was a Tandy running an 8088 proc and DOS 2.11. It didn't even have a format command. Ditto about it being mine. I even upgraded the beast to 640KB of RAM.

My third PC was actually my mom's. I helped her spec it. It was a P90 running MS DOS 6.1 and Windows for Workgroups.

My fourth PC I got when I moved out. I payed for it all my own. I specced it carefully, had a shop build it barebones, and then fleshed it out myself. It was a kick-arse P133 and I used it and ugpraded it for years and years. It started out as a DOS 6.22 / Win3 machine, but ended up being a DOS 6.22/Win95b machine, then a pure Win98SE machine.

Finally though, one day the ol' P133 just got too expensive to maintain. All of the parts had to be bought special, and the performance just wasn't worth the money. So instead of buying a new motherboard, I bought an eMachine Celeron 500 PoS. I knew it was a PoS. It's sole purpose was simply to replace the P133 until I could save up for a decent box. I dremeled in holes for an intake fan and squeezed it in. I duct-taped a hard drive cage inside so that I could add the P133's old HD. I moved over the P133's CD burner. I moved over the P133's PCI graphics card. I upgraded the power supply. It was a total piece of crap, and it gave me all sorts of hell, but I loved that box. It was Frankenstein's monster.

Then I finally saved up enough to build my current system ... an Intel Northwood C with WinXP Pro. I assembled it from scratch. I almost dual-booted with Linux, but never quite found a reason to bother. I love my system. It's almost dead silent. I've modded the hell out of it over the years in strange and wonderful ways. And even though it's an Intel box, I like THGC/TG Forumz.

Were I to build a system today, it'd be an AMD box. They're just better performing and cooler running. I'd load on WinXP-64, and probably finally get around to a dual boot with Linux, just because.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring. If MacOS X can be loaded onto an Intel box, I may even triple-boot.

But it was f'ing funny to see how much mirrored or closely mirrored that tripe, and yet how I'm totally not the fanboy that it should have resulted in. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Either I deviated just enough, or it really has nothing to do with anything and fanboys are just fanboys because that's who they are.
Same way you become the fan of a football team or product. Good experiences or being different.

What makes you not a fan or lash out against others.
Difference of opinion and bad experiences.
Same way you become the fan of a football team or product. Good experiences or being different.

What makes you not a fan or lash out against others.
Difference of opinion and bad experiences.
I'd have to disagee. I've had plenty of good experiences with various things, yet I'm not a fan of any product/company. Same as I've had plenty of bad experiences with products/companies, yet I don't lash out at people for using them, talking about them, or even supporting them. I may throw in my two cents sometimes, but only for the sake of a balanced comparison or education.

So if these are the things that make a fanboy or troll, then why am I not a fanboy or troll?

The only logical conclusion is that there's some deeper aspect of personality involved than simple circumstance.
Your right some people just want to make others agree with them.

I guess I dont know because I go for the best bang for the buck and dont care where it comes from.

Guess we have to ask a fanboy what makes him tick.
I'd be willing to bet that what makes a fanboy tick is just pure psychology. Fanboys are probably the type of person that needs everyone to agree with them to validate themself. And trolls are problably the type of person that got no attention as a child, so is trying to fill that gap with anything, including and often centering around negative attention.
I say fanboism is similar to racism and is mostly due to ignorance.

Trolls just want attention.

not that I don't have a certain amount of both things in me
Heh. I used to be like that. I used to fight with my friends about game consoles. Then it escalated to computer parts, when I found out that I loved my computer more then any Playstation or Xbox. I hope my fanboyishness has dissapated since then, though. ^.^
My first computer was a ZX81 😀
Since having an Intel 486, I've stuck with AMD CPU's each time I think for good reason.
When an Intel CPU is the better choice I'll go with that. My only loyalties are to my pocket and to the performance of my PC, certainly not to any particular manufacturer.
LMAO such a true post...

I think we all started out with a "e-machine" type just i had a 366mhz Celeron with a Voodoo2 graphics card. Then i relized i can build my own so i gotta job and my 2nd pc was:
Athlon xp 2000
512 cosair valueram
60gb maxtor
5700le Chaintech

Then i got what i have now so ya nothing but the truth we all start out with shit pcs.
As glittering generalities go, I guess yours are as good as anyones. I too have wondered at what makes a person a blind irrational fanatic of one brand or another. Sheesh Ford vs. Chevy or AMD vs. Intel how big a difference does it really make? I've owned both, been happy with both at various times over the years. I'll admit that Intel would have to "reinvent the wheel" to get me to build with one of theirs but hey, things change. Loyalty is all well and good but "blind loyalty" is just plain stupid...

Da Worfster 🙁
I'm probably a fan boy to some extent even though I've been into computers 10+ years now. I think like mentioned in the first post when you spend outrageous sums of money on a product and it performs well for you you become a supporter or even fan boy. Not that I rip up other products but I speak up for what has performed well for me....and have opinions on other products.

For instance, my first real computer build was an AMD system and it was okay but seemed flaky and a tad unstable to me. A couple years later I tried Intel and was so in love with the system my next build was another Intel. It would be hard for me to go back to AMD simply from this experience. And who knows I could have just had bad memory or something! It's all about perception.

So yea, AMD blows chunks and INTEL rules the world! Suckers 😉
its funny how things all get started.

My 1st "hombebuilt" pc was a P90 w 16mb ram (later upgraded to 64mb - ouch that was expensive!). Before that it was a off the shelf type I got with my student loan funds. At that time, AMD wasnt really a player.

my 1st experiance was the origional AMD athalon setups that while speedy used Huge amounts of power, ran hot and crashed everything, so at that time AMD sucked.
Eventually I discovered the joys dual cpu systems (Pentium pro anyone?), and never looked back.
but all this time it was Intel. Fast forward to 4months ago when its time to upgrade my aging dual xeon system. CPU & HD was fine, but AGP 4x just doesnt cut it anymore. A bit of research showed that the current intel chips were having major heat issues (reminded me of AMD a while back).
I eventualy wound up with a dual AMD setup and im very pleased. I cant honestly say either one sucks anymore, I just use what works for me.
I owned an Atari 800XL with a cassette drive and 300baud modem. Then I had an 8088 PC built by Huyndai (that's right, like the cars). I look fondly on the days of floppies and transfering interlaced jpegs over Kermit and Z-modem.

I put my last system together 5 years ago, after over 13 years of ripping others apart. I went with an AMD Athlon 1.1 because of the price. I have been more than happy as it is just now going out on me and I believe due to a bad motherboard controller.

In any event, I just started reading these forums as I have not really been up on the latest PC hardware as my focus is mostly on Networks and server hardware.

The term "Fan-boy" in the context here is new to me, and I really mean no offense to anyone person inparticular when I say this:

"Fan-boy" is just a lame word. I don't care if you are one or you just like to use the term, there is something inherintly gay about it (no offense to anyone's sexual preferences). This post is the first time I have ever used it and it will also be the last as I feel disgusting just for using it. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard or having unprotected sex.

Can we get a new term?

I'm going to take a shower....ick.
I think you are getting the exact feeling that the word is intended to provoke. Whats the problem?
i have no clue either - why any person would be single mindedly tossing all support in any direction. regardless there seems to be a few folks discussing their full upgrade paths (mabey this thread needs it name changed)
ive had alot of luck with both AMD/Intel/and even a single cyrix CPU

oh cant forget my Heathkit self built computer (which was my first)
then the ever famous C64 - straight to AMD 486 dx4 133 - Cyrix 166 - AMD 300 oc'd to 350 - Celeron 300 oc'd to 450 - to what im using now Duron 900 (needs upgraded)

personally i think bad experiences make alot of people fans of 1 or another, then some definately is people just reading benchmarks and hopin on the wagon - who knows, who cares - if it works use - if it dont send it back
ive been accused of being a fanboi
its funny. i just go where the best bang per buck is.
And my list of computers goes back along time too

BBC micro
Original IBM XT with MCGA graphics
386DX2-25Mhz with a 40mb hdd partitioned 3 ways!
P2-300 (66mhz system bus)
Celleron 500 (first OC up to 562Mhz)
AMD 1200C - 1450Mhz - overclocked the stuffin out of it till the L2 cache broke :)
AMD 1800+ - Weedy OC here.
AMD 1700+ Tbred A Overclcoked to 1833Mhz
AMD XP-M2500+ awesome OC
AMD 3800+ X2 awesome 2500Mhz OC and i aint anywhere near the limit.

One interesting thing to note, my upgrades went from intel to AMD around the time intel introduced the P4 architecture.
They just lost the bang for buck equation at that point.
To inneficient, to few ipc, too much heat.

Myabe when johas becomes available or when intel is again compeditive on a performance and powerconsumption basis i might switch again... but i dont think thats gonna happen anytime soon.
It's just arrogance.

The arrogant man refuses to believe that there is any way he could be wrong. If anyone considers making a different purchasing decision then they are of course questioning arrogant man's intellect, so he takes it personally.

Show me a fanboy who isn't also an arrogant tosspiece. If the shoe fits....
I'M A FANBOIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a fanboy for money! gimme the best bang for my buck i couldnt care what company or product i went with. hell , i'd bastardize the entire thing and go matrox if they had a competitive product.

my goal when building any computer is performance. the company which makes the product is irrelevent.

what makes a fanboy a fanboy is the complete refusal to know or see facts before spouting off their opinion. I've been building computers for over 10 years now. been usign them for longer. and it's safe to say that allegance to one company will only provide you a hell of a bad time.

and to be like everyone else. here's my list of computers
Commodore 64
386sx 33mhz (No math Co-processor) w 2mb Ram
486dx2 66mhz w 16mb ram (upgraded to 64mb before it trashed it)
P133 w 64mb Ram
p200 w 64mb ram
P2 - 400mzh w 128mb ram
P3 - 1ghz w 128mb ram
AMD Athlon 1.4ghz (blew up)
p4 - 1.4ghz w 512mb ram
AMD Ahtlon 1400+ XP
p4 - 2.8ghz w 1gb Ram
P4 - 3.2ghz HT w 1gb Ram

AMD A64 3700+ w 1gb ram

As for video cards I've run the gammant of idfferent makes and models
ALI 3201 VGA (PCI), Yes, ALI! they once made video cards long before 3d
ATI 3D Wonder.
Voodoo 3
Geforce 2 MX2
Geforce 3 ti200
Radeon 7500
Geforce 5200
Radeon 9600 pro
Geforce 6600GT
Geforce 6800GT
Geforce 7800GT
I'M A FANBOIY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a fanboy for money! gimme the best bang for my buck i couldnt care what company or product i went with. hell , i'd bastardize the entire thing and go matrox if they had a competitive product.

You couldn't be more right. Most of us aren't fanboys and we don't care either way. Somehow some people who don't shut up about their aligences seem make us start whole threads about how much we hate them.