Howto adjust Mafia 2 Resolution before opening the game? (PS I hate windows 10)


Dec 19, 2014
So My system used to run Windows 8.1 (which is sh*t), and Mafia 2 ran fine on my weird TV (Max resolution being 16:10 1680 x 1050). I then upgraded to Windows 10 (which is just as, if not more sh*t than windows 8.1). I uninstalled and reinstalled Mafia 2. Now whenever I open Mafia 2, it runs it, in what I imagine is higher than 1680 x 1050 because my TV drops the signal and just says optimum mode is 1680 x 1050, it also means I can't do anything at all, ca 't open task manager, can't alt + tab, can't alt + enter to exit fullscreen, Is there anyway to adjust the resolution without running the game? In something like a launcher like Fallout / TES games have.


Do you have a monitor as well to try to get it booted up first and then switch?

Also, upgrades from any windows version usually suck, a fresh install is always better. Windows 10 is honestly pretty damn good. The fact that one game doesn't work on your weird TV isn't a reason to trash the whole OS.

It probably stores the resolution in a ini file that if you could find and edit, you could probably fix it with notepad but I don't own the game so can't really look.

Didn't think of this, thanks a lot.

I've used Windows 10 on my gaming Laptop, and my primary Gaming PC ever since it came out. This particular PC just hasn't been used in a while. I can safely say from my experience, which exceeds much much much further than this one game, that Windows 10 is extremely overrated, and just a pain in the arse. I've generally had less issues with 8.1 compared to 10. and 8.1 is absolute trash compared to Windows 7. To put that in perspective.