HP Cpu Got Wet

Feb 24, 2015
So my Hp CPU got wet. Was underneath aircon.
Do i let it dry or replace parts cause some of the water went through open pci slots, some on the fan next to where you plug.
I tried blow drying it.
I'll post a pic soon.
Tried turning it on, it starts but then after a few min. It turns off.

No heat? You must live in warm climes. Just leave the fan blow on it for a longer time. It has to thoroughly dry out.

Only if an all-day dry out with the fan doesn't fix it. Might even take a couple days. I imagine the humid climate you live in is hindering drying too.
If you feel you are comfortable doing so, you might want to remover the components from the case and let them dry separately in front of the fan.
Comp. Boots but shows the CPU temp. Rising until 97.5/ 100 degree celsius then turns off.
I checked the Lga 775 fan, the thermal paste got dry and the paste that was on the core got on to the fan cause i had one technician take it out for cleaning. We never knew that the thermal paste was removed. 🙂
Really late update: Cpu working, set q fan control on, set it to 50% set the target temp. To 50°C

Might as well try replacing the TIM.
Had to remove dead flies from case since my place is a bit clean but flies come in from time to time.
Thanks for the help. 🙂