It's an old laptop, but when I try to stream even sub-1080p content it noticeably lags to the point of dropping frames. While in operation it typically has roughly 1 GB of free RAM. It's also using readyboost. It could be it's hitting the pagefile hard because of the limited amount of RAM and all the bloatware installed on it. So is this laptop too slow to stream FHD (i.e. 1080p) content? I'm assuming USB 2.0 has sufficient bandwidth to stream FHD content. Below are the specs:
Processor 2.1GHz Intel Dual-Core T4300 (800Ghz. FSB)
Memory 4GB, 667MHz DDR2 (it might be 800Mhz to match the FSB)
Hard drive 320GB 5,400rpm
Chipset Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset
Graphics Intel GMA 4500MHD (integrated)
Operating system Windows Vista Premium
Dimensions 14.9 inches wide by 9.9 inches deep
Height 1.4 to 1.7 inches
Screen size (diagonal) 15.6 inches
Processor 2.1GHz Intel Dual-Core T4300 (800Ghz. FSB)
Memory 4GB, 667MHz DDR2 (it might be 800Mhz to match the FSB)
Hard drive 320GB 5,400rpm
Chipset Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset
Graphics Intel GMA 4500MHD (integrated)
Operating system Windows Vista Premium
Dimensions 14.9 inches wide by 9.9 inches deep
Height 1.4 to 1.7 inches
Screen size (diagonal) 15.6 inches