HP Slate 7 Hits UK Shelves Priced At £129

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Wow, had to sign in on my laptop because either adblock or ghostery was causing problems on the desktop computer. BTW Toms, ghostery detects between 29-39 elements on this website...seriously wtf? Just wanted to say that the HP Slate 7 looks really ugly and the specs are a yawnfest.
The user removable battery is appealing :) the rest of the specs ar e pretty lackluster though. mots of tabs with expandable memory and releasing it with 4.1 instead of 4.2 makes me wary thinking maybe it will not get updates in a timely fasion
This seems very similar to the Kindle Fire in terms of specs. In fact, a KF with a custom 4.2.2 ROM should be able to functionaly match the Slate.
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