Well their workstations might be better, but their consumer units are garbage.
@m2guel: Who do you think makes it all now? Most of the big tech companies are international, most don't finance in the USA, and the bulk of all hardware parts are actually created in other places. The only reason HP sells so many products is cause they cut corners in areas which lead to products failing fast so they are cheaper, and they have been around forever so people who don't know better trust them more. I don't think just because they are located in the USA means that they should be allowed to sell crap at the same price as good products and be given a pass. Shopping and actually caring if the laptop will survive for more than a year completely removes them from consideration on any educated shoppers list anyways so they are only surviving on the poorly made decisions of others.
I never said we should pick up some Chinese company to do it all instead, but I certainly don't think HP should keep selling their crap products to people. If you want US products, buy Dell, IBM, or Apple (all of which like HP are actually created over seas). If you just want the best product for the price then you have Dell, Apple, Acer, MSI, Lenovo, IBM, Asus, etc. which don't make products nearly as bad as HP.