Hrlp bleeding new single bay reservoir


Aug 31, 2009

I'm doing the annual tear down of my watercooling loop. The only component I want to change is my XSPC acrylic dual bay res for an EK single bay acetal res to save some space. I've been doing some leak testing and the new res won't bleed. My test loop only has Vario D5 pump, XSPC Raystorm cpu block and res attached. I can't seem to get the air out at any speed on my Vario.

I hooked up my old dual bay res and it bled in minutes as usual. Does anyone know any tricks to get this single bay res to bleed quickly? Is it because with so little restriction I can't turn the speed low enough to stop air reentering the loop? If so it won't be a problem once I've got the gpu block and rad hooked up too?

Any help would be appreciated otherwise I've bought a shiny new product I can't use.

Thanks in advance

I will suggest you connect up you full loop in your case and leak test it there since just as much (probably more) of the leak test is to check fittings and hoses. IMO it does little good to leak test (maybe components for peace of mind) and then put your loop together


Aug 31, 2009

Thanks for your reply. I wanted to specifically test the res as its new, and the cpu block as I'd opened it for cleaning. I didn't open the gpu block as I only installed it recently. I've now got the full loop up and running and it has finally bled properly. This was a real trial compared to my previous dual bay res. I had to keep changing the speed, switch on and off, leave for bubbles to collect etc. Normally once I'd burped the radiator the system would bleed itself just by running for a few minutes. I guess the increased volume of water in the dual bay res was a real benefit with hindsight. Anyway it is working now and the new res looks way better.

Thanks again
