HTPC on the semi-cheap


Oct 22, 2007
Hi all, I'm kinda new here but I appreciate the extraordinary flow of knowledge on this site and thank you for helping me out (if you so choose :) )

To the point, I'm looking to build a HTPC for a respectable price. The functions I need it to fulfill are the following:

■Play Blu-ray discs/media
■Handle my .mkv (x264) media library
■Handle the various audio streams floating around out there, or at least the vast majority
■Be able to rip my DVD collection
■Output it all in 1080p


■One thing I'd also like to use it for (if it's possible to use the box a sort of 'hybrid') is as a file server for my main machines. Ideally, it'll have 2 large HDDs (2TB range) running in RAID1 I could use as backup for documents/pictures - again, nothing major.

Pretty standard fare for a HTPC nowadays, I believe, outside of the secondary function.

I came up with the following build after digging around as much as I could:

My question to you, wonderful knowledge-base, is 2 fold:

1) Did I make any bad choices and/or glaring omissions?
2) Could I cut corners somewhere and get it in the $500 range without losing the function I need? (not a MUST but would be nice)

I thank you in advance for all your help


PS. On the audio front....... I'm far from an audiophile, but I'd just like it to be able to tackle all the various audio encoding floating around nowadays.

PPS. I'd like it to be compatible with Ubuntu, as this is ideally what I'd like to run on it (but I may just end up with w7, so it's not paramount)
Your proposed build has an incompatibility issue:

AM3 mobo with DDR2 RAMs :p
Maybe something like this is more suitable?

For storage i'd rather hit 2 x 1TB Samsung F3 if u need that much hehe


Oct 22, 2007
jeesh after going through like 50 components I deleted the wrong memory :(

I'll take a look at that build...


edit: Updated my build to fix the memory issue, also I think I may just use a Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1.5TB drive I have here -- will the heat difference be worth using a "green" drive over it?
Welcome to the HTPC world scrdy.

Since you are going to be storing movies on this system, take a look at the following programs to get that WOW factor:

MediaBrowser (a highly modifiable front end for browsing your collection and integrates nicely with media center)
Meta<Browser/> (this will get the movie covers, xml data, actors, etc. for media browser to display)
StarkCovers (this will modify your covers downloaded by meta<browser/> to look 3D or add reflections, etc.)
Xzener's Icons (these are some very nice folder icons, useful when organizing your collection)

Here's an example of what this set up looks like:

All of the above downloads are free BTW.


Oct 22, 2007
I will definitely give those a look if I go the Windows route.... Thanks for the heads up :)

You wouldn't happen to have any software ideas for linux would ya?


Jun 15, 2009

Is a 380W large enough for that system? Could you still add Tuner Cards and be okay?

Also are you guaranteed 1080p output from the Mobo using the HDMI port? I have had trouble with my DVI output to HDMI input on my LCD TV.

What do you think of the ASUS M4A785TD-M? Are you just more or less paying for the ASUS name there? Is the AMD Phenom II X3 720 compatible with that board?
Definitely - an IGP rig like this i have done on slightly lower 80+ PSU in the 3xx wattage (Seasonic) hehe Geez you add in a HD 4770 it's still enuff :p Use a obscured model/make of 3xx W PSU though i would not advise ^^ Yes Asus M4A785TD-M is a nice board and for those enthusiast having wild ideas about LANparty gaming rigs it has a workable BIOS for unlocking as well hehe
I would stick with at least the triple core CPU since you said you want to "Be able to rip my DVD collection". Trust me, my system uses a Core 2 Duo CPU overclocked to 3.2GHz and I kick myself every time I watch both CPU cores go to 100% when ripping or encoding. I really wish I would have gone with a quad core CPU. Of course that was 2 1/2 years ago when quad core chips were still pretty expensive. Dual core CPU's have their place, but ripping DVD's is not their strong point.


Oct 22, 2007
That's a good point shortsutff.... I do have a desktop I could use for ripping from disks (it's running a Q6600 @ 3.2) and then I can just send it over the net if it's really that bad on it. Truthfully though, I don't rip disks ALL that much, as I tend to get my content from other..... umm..... sources.

But I definitely will take into consideration your point - and thanks.


Oct 22, 2007
Well, I ordered a system very similar to the one in my comment (with a few changes for Black Friday deals) and I had one final question for you guys......

I had originally intended on using a bluetooth keyboard/mouse or some sort of combo of the two to control my HTPC, but the more digging I did the more intrigued I became with universal remotes like the Logitech Harmony series of universal remotes. It'd be nice to have something that controlled my HTPC -WELL- and could handle my DVR DirecTV box and my Sony TV. It is paramount that getting around the HTPC not be hindered as if that is the case I'll just go the keyboard/mouse route.

Any input on the topic is much appreciated.