Huge fps drop on all games consistent


Jan 30, 2015
I am encountering a very strange issue.
Log back into my computer after a long day of work, try to join a game of CS:GO and join and I am playing on 40 fps. Usually used to around 200+.

Begin to try and troubleshoot. Initially thinking it was my almost full SSD so i cleared 40gb of space there. Nope still around 40-50fps. Then thought it could be my graphics cards drivers, nope updated and still the same.

Then sought to use a difference gpu (tried my brothers r9 290 with appropriate drivers) nope still 50fps!!.

Then read a thread about disabling apps on startup, I disabled almost all of them and no difference at all.

I have run a benchmark on furmark and scored 6400 with the r9 290.

What I have noticed is that I am getting an insane voltage reading in Open HW monitor (558653.800V) on my GPU which is weird because they should be around like 1V IIRC. Not sure how it hasn't blown up?

About to run a unigine heaven benchmark and see where that puts me.

Honestly I am stumped and will just wipe the computer if I cannot figure it out tomorrow.

It only happened today, I also tried checking all PSU connections with no change.
CSGO is a very demanding game on the CPU (due to the poorly optimized Source engine). What you need to check is if your CPU is throttling down while gaming, you could start stress testing your CPU with prime95 to see if it reaches its max clock speed and then in-game with maybe HWinfo+Rivatuner to get an OSD with the cpu info in-game.
Although this would be nice, I have a hyper 212 cooler on my 4460, which never runs hot, around 40-60 deg in game.

I have been playing csgo over a year on this setup with no issues, and recently clocked up a fair few hours on rust usually around 60-80 fps with my settings on there. But with this issue it's around 30. The only common thing between these two is that they are steam games, unfortunately I do not have any other games to test outside of steam.

I am currently trying to wipe all old drivers off and install the new one again...

I will let you know if I find a solution,

Thanks anyway
Bro what the hell, i'm getting the same problem I woke up one day from putting my computer into sleep mode and i'm getting 4 to 44 frames in Diablo 3 when I should be getting 100+

I tried different GPU's nothing
System reset nothing.
overclocking nothing,
different CPU nothing

Could it be the drivers? Prob not.

GTX 960 superSC SLI'd
mobo: MSI 970 gaming
cooler: cooler master hyper 212 evo
RAM: 8 GB G skill
HDD: samsung 500GB
Hi I managed to solve this, and yes it was the drivers. I asked my younger brother for a hand to wipe all my amd related drivers using control centre and uninstalling them all.

Then reinstalling the amd software and downloading the latest driver.

Not sure what exactly caused it as it just randomly happened one day, but it all works again now.... very weird.

The only hint I got there was something funky was going on with my gpu drivers was the extremely inaccurate monitoring of temps and voltage etc.

I'll give it a try. Some other people are having the same problem with nvidia. What's your GPU if you don't mind answering
The issue started with my r9 280, test fitted my brothers r9 290 to see if that was the problem. Nothing changed to refreshed the drivers and left the r9 290 in he got a 1080 and is getting quite low fps with that so not sure what's with that.

TL;DR R9 290 gigabyte windforce edition

Your still getting the low frame problem or is he getting it?
My framerate issue is fixed. So back to 200+ fps on csgo and around 80-100 on rust with my settings.

He is suffering some issues and getting less performance than his r9 290 with a gtx 1080 which is either a windows 10 compatibility issue or also a driver issue.

For reference I have a 'ghetto' copy of windows 8.1 but it works great. My brother has a legitimate windows 10 and has constant issues with game optimization.

Has to be driver issues because Nvidia right now is being weird for some people as my brother has a gtx 1060 and he is getting terrible frames aswell and my best friend is having problems as well.