Huge FPS drops with videos on second monitor


Aug 20, 2017
Hello, I've been having this problem for quite some time. So to make a long story short, whenever I have twitch, youtube, obs, ect. open and viewable on my second monitor I receive significant frame drops (somewhere in the ballpark of 500+for CSGO to 180ish with frequent drops to below 60 fps, and sometimes the game just caps itself at 60 fps.) I have vsync disabled, and it used to work just fine. Another weird thing is that performance isn't impacted if the window is minimized but still running, just when an image is being displayed. I have reinstalled windows several times, and that doesn't seem to help either. My main monitor is a BenQ XL2411z @144hz and my second monitor is a BenQ RL2455HM @60hz. CPU is i7-6700k @ 4.5GHz, 16gb RAM @2133MHz, and GTX 970. Temps are all fine, so I have no idea what to anymore, and no one I have talked to seems to have any idea what this could be. Thanks in advance if you are able to help me.
Ok so you say it used to work just fine before so what have you changed since it was working? If it's only when the program is displayed on the monitor then I would imagine it would be a GPU problem with it not being able to keep up or (a pure guess because I don't have a 144hz monitor) it could be the difference in refresh rate with the fact that one of your monitors is 144hz and the other is 60hz but please someone say if that is completely wrong

I did change my CPU to the i7, but it worked after I made the change. Everything else has been the same since I built my PC.