Last night we had a brief power outage that happened during the time I was downloading the lastest version of iTunes (for my daughter). The computer started back up automatically, but went to the chkdisk facility and hung up at stage #1 of 3 with 64% completed. Even after leaving the computer on 3 hours, it did not change. The other oddity, it appears that the chkdisk function is happening with "Vista". I don't have Vista; I have XP Pro. Last week, I downloaded a program from that mimics the look of Windows 7. It looked great and has worked fine. And yes, I've re-booted since the installation with no problems. Any solutions to this dilemma would be appreciated. I'm writing this message from my office computer. Needless to say, my home computer is presently not usable. Also, I'm not a computer pro at all.