Hung up !


Nov 15, 2010
I made it all of the way to formating my hard drive and then my help ended. I keep getting e-mails tp pick the best
answere given to me, just as it looked like we were going to solve the issue it was the end of my help. How do I pick
the best answere when I still have an unresolved issue? My help got me to a point that some of the advise was working and I have been hung up every since with no following steps to finish.


Nov 15, 2010
I definately needed the help to get this far, now I do not know how to add my full version XP as a duel
boot system with Vista already installed on my Acer Aspire laptop. My computer is a Acer Aspire 5810TZ
with Vista Home Premium already installed on it. I have been unsuccessful in removing Vista, so now I
am trying to add XP Home Edition to the system. Really need some help.


Nov 15, 2010

Not exactly sure how to do this, I want to install Xp, and then use Xp to remove Vista.
I could use some feed back on how to do this, I will get the exact info on my system all
available space to be used. Thank you for your response.


Just insert the xp disk and tell the unit to boot to the disk and not the HDD
that should start the install process, look for message "press any key to boot from cd" or something to that effect; press space bar..
then in advanced options you want to format and join whatever existing partitions that are there..

Uninstalling Vista If You Bought a New Computer with Windows Vista Preloaded

If you have purchased a new computer and Vista came preloaded, you can still uninstall it off your drive and replace it with an operating system of your choice. If you plan on uninstalling Vista and replacing it with Windows XP, the process will be pretty much the same as the preceding scenario. You will first remove Vista from your hard drive, then reformat your hard drive, and finally install Windows XP on your hard drive. To accomplish this task, you will need your Window XP installation CD. You will also need to create an MS-DOS boot CD. You can download an MS-DOS boot CD from the following site:


Nov 15, 2010
My issue is how to get windows xp on my Acer aspire computer. It came with Vista pre-installed and so far no
ones answeres gets me from start to finish. I need some one to see what status my computer is in, I can give exact
details if anyone is up to the challenge. I have a (c:) an (A:) and a (Z:) drive. A and Z have already been formated
but I can't get the computer to let me install XP on another Drive. The smallest use able drive is at least 10GB and
that should be sufficient to install XP on, if I am not mistaken. Some how the computer always says, that there is a
newer OS and will not allow me to continue, reguardless of what drive I trying to use! I think the full version of windows xp is 32bit and the vista 64, can this cause a continuous problem reguardless of the drive that I am trying
to use. Thank you for the help....


Nov 15, 2010
I was told by another individual to set up a duel boot system, I was told alot of stuff, all I want to do is rid myself
of vista and so far nothing works. I am not a rocket scientist, and there are so many cotton picking steps. I have been trying to get rid of this headache for six month's, and it hasn't happened yet! Everyone has an idea, so far I get a step one from one person, step two of another proceedure, that does not work with step one of the first proceedure. I do not need so many of anything just one "GOOD PLAN THAT WILL WORK! " Thank you for your questions.


just get a windows disk, I prefer windows 7.
insert disk into drive and then have the unit boot to the disk.
in the advanced install options is a section for formatting and partitioning.
clear all partitions and make disk whole....
then just perform an install of one OS.
just make it easy on yourself..

boot into the main OS.
then download and install a partition manger program.
use the program to wipe or join (just manipulate) partitions.
then configure the way you would like.

these are the only two options. if option number two doesn't work then option one is the only way..


Nov 15, 2010
Computer Acer Aspire 5810TZ-4238
OS Windows Vista Home Premium
Service Pack 2
Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU U2700 @ 1.30 GHz 1.30 GHz
Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System

Hard Disk Drives (3)
Local Disk (A:) Capacity: 11.7 GB, File system NTFS (Default), Allocation unit size, 4096 bytes
Acer (C:) 208 GB
Local Disk (Z:) Capacity: 78.0 GB, File system NTFS (Default), Allocation unit size, 4096 bytes
Devices with Removable Storage (1)
DVD RW Drive (D:) CD Drive

Drive (A:) and (Z:) were not QUICK FORMATED, formatting took at least 25 minutes to do on
Drive (Z:) and about 12 minutes on Drive (A:).

My main question is, “How, do you use, Vista to install XP on another drive?”
My next question is, can I do the above mentioned process? I am using a full version of
Windows XP with License.
My final question, is there a somewhat easy process that I can do?
Thank you.


Nov 15, 2010
Just in case your wondering why I keep trying to go to XP, its because all of my
manuals are xp, I am a heart attack patient with learning disabilities and windows
xp I can comprehend manuals and I am familar with this program. Thank you for
your help. If you can no longer help me I understand.


i understand.
like i said, you should just use the windows xp and wipe the entire disk and just use xp.

First, three points:

1.) No, you do not have to format both partitions, only the one (C: ) in order to remove Vista and install XP. Ideally you would want to leave the second partition alone.

2.) That bring me to point number two: If this is an OEM "recovery system" then you may not have the ability to reformat just one may wipe the entire drive. Thus, I'd double-check what copy of Windows XP you have.

3.) Finally, since you only have one OS installed, Vista, you cannot use Computer Management to format the C:\ can't use the OS to destroy the OS. You can, however, format the drive by using either your Vista or XP CD.

In short, I would insert my Windows XP CD and tell it to proceed with installing Windows XP. At the point where you can create and delete partitions, I would delete C:\ and then create a new partition from the unpartitioned space. Tell it you want to install Vista on that partition, and choose the formatting option you prefer. (I would just do a quick NTFS format.) Proceed with the installation and setup and you should be fine. Just make sure that you have backed up all of your important files to another hard drive, CD/DVDs, etc before doing do not want to risk the loss of your all of your data.


Nov 15, 2010
Is it possible to install windows xp on the (A:) it looks to have enough space? I have tryed the simple install,
the cd gets shut down because it says there is a newer OS and will not let it continue. I want to thank you for your quick responce.


Nov 15, 2010
Could you possible give me the steps, so I will not mess up? I know how to get to the formating window,but
how do I select the (A:) drive to install XP on it? This is where I keep messing up the vista process throws me a
curve ball everytime! It will allow me to highlight drive (A:), but I do not know how to get it to install on the newly
formated drive. Thank you for any steps, that will stop me from making a mistake. I will follow your notes to the letter!


Nov 15, 2010
The exact message said, You cannot format this volume
It contains the version of Windows that you are using.
Formatting this volume could cause your computer to stop working.
Then it showed a link: Formatting disks and drives FAQ

Then it gives me an OK button to click