Huntkey APFC 600w reliable?


Nov 16, 2013
I'm planning to upgrade my pc during the lunar new year
I'm quite concern about how my PSU works
Currently I'm using it with an o.ced asus HD 7850 2gb (core clock 1050mhz) + i5 4570
I used to have my hd 7850 with an o.ced E5700 @3.9Ghz and it's still running normal
My question is:
1. I'm planning to upgrade to R9 280x, should i stay with my current PSU or upgrade it first? (Just don't jump straight to buying a new reliable PSU, i know huntkey is untrustworthy but everything is running good so far, so i'm not sure).
2. Is upgrading from hd 7850 to R9 280x a good move?

Looks like it's based on Super Flower's Golden King platform. Definitely rates above the Seasonic SS-850HT Active PFC.

It uses Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con 105°C rated electrolytic capacitors on both the primary and secondary sides.
Huntkey is a tier 5 unit(not recommended, replace asap) on this list:

1. The real problem with a cheap psu is that it will not have the protective circuitry to keep frpm damaging your other parts if it fails under load.
Currently, your 7850 needs 450w and a single 6 pin connector.
A R9-280X needs 600w and an added 8 pin connector which will add 150w to your requirements.

2. The R9 cards seem to have their share of unfavorable newegg reviewers. Check out the particular card you are interested in.
Consider using a more power efficient card like a GTX960 or GTX970. Either should work OK on your psu.
The GTX960 needs the same power as now, one 6 pin power lead, and a Non overclocked GTX970 would need only a second 6 pin at an added 75w.

Longer term, plan on replacing the psu.



Nov 16, 2013
Currently there are 3 PSU options in my mind
-Seasonic X850
-Seasonic HT850
-Corsair GS800

Which one is the best solution?
Would be great if anyone could list the pros and cons of each.

Math Geek

850 is more power than you need for a 280x. 650w would be plenty of power and probably save you some money.

where are you looking to buy? i am guessing in a local store since you have such specific model numbers. if you can buy online, you can get a great psu for about $50 that will meet your needs. this might help you compare to what the store is charging.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Antec TruePower Classic 650W 80+ Gold Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $49.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-26 11:46 EST-0500

or for about $10 more, you can get a 750w evga b2 which is also a great psu.


Nov 16, 2013
I live in Vietnam, where the price is almost doubled up for everything related to pc. So one of my nearest and cheapest option is the HT850.
Can anyone give me some detail about Seasonic HT850? Would be great if someone who is currently using it can tell it from their experiences, the pros and cons of it.
I'm a bit concern about that psu since the technology is ~5 years old (not that the psu has been used for 5 years).
It's seem to be recommended by a lot of people who usually do the bitcoin mining with high end amd card.


Nov 16, 2013
Is anyone here have any info about the PSU named "kuroutoshikou" 850 platinum? HT 850 and GS 800 is in my reach now but this one seem to have the platinum thingy on (and it's japanese). So i kinda wonder now whether i should buy this one or HT 850 which is about 4 years older
Here is the site:
Just use google translate to translate it to your language, wouldn't fail that much in the translation

Math Geek

the specs on it look right but i have no idea of quality. i do know folks prefer the Japanese capacitors in the quality psu's. i would assume being a Japanese brand it has these better parts but i can't verify that at all.

i don't see any reviews or testing on it to say anything about quality. the ht850 is a known quality psu and unless you can find some good testing done on this psu, i would stick with the seasonic one.

Looks like it's based on Super Flower's Golden King platform. Definitely rates above the Seasonic SS-850HT Active PFC.

It uses Japanese Nippon Chemi-Con 105°C rated electrolytic capacitors on both the primary and secondary sides.


Nov 16, 2013
Would be great if someone here from japan can search for the japananese review site for that PSU translate it to here
Lunar new year is near, i just don't wanna make firework inside my pc case


Nov 16, 2013
Well, i ended up buying the Kuroutoshikou, i guess it's worth buying since my huntkey is scary to use.
Here is some photo of it (can't take the photo of the psu yet, it's inside my case)



Nov 16, 2013
Well, thanks for all the explanations and stuffs in helping me finding the good psu. The psu seemed to run very good, i tried with hd 7850 fully o.ced, nothing happen (while on the previous psu, it hits bsod when raising the memory clock). Also tested with haswell sleeping state, good bye to blue screen hahahah.