Hurricane Sandy

Luckily it pretty much bypassed my area in Northern Virginia - we lost power for maybe 2 hours, much better than during the derecho storm in June where the juice was off for over 4 days - but NYC apparently wasn't so lucky, according to the viral photos now hitting the net 😛 :


Also, a tip from the hurricane experts:

As of 10/30/2012 @ 5am, there are 2.2 Million people in New Jersey without power.

The levee breach has left three towns underwater, Moonachie, Little Ferry, and Carlstadt, evacuating hundreds of people.

Atlantic City residents who did not heed the mandatory evacuation were left told to seek high ground and wait for emergency services to gain access to the island.

Parts of the boardwalk in Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, Point Pleasant, and Belmar have been destroyed, washed away, or severely damaged.

Driving into work this morning I witnessed countless areas with trees and debris blocking many roads, areas without power, down utility lines, ans several 13kV flashes as trees and wind took their toll on overhead power lines.

Several miles of the NJ Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and a number of interstates were closed.

This isn't my first rodeo working through storm restoration with my company, but this is the worst I've seen since the blizzard of 1996.

The overtime money is nice, but looking at the next week or so of 12-16 hours shifts makes Chunkymonster a very tired man.
My daughter lives in Newport, RI - haven't been able to contact her today but according to the news reports, much of RI has been without power since yesterday. She was planning to host a hurricane party at her house (24, just out of college, so any excuse to par-tay apparently 😛).

PS - always enjoyed seeing the Sta-Puft monster in Ghostbusters. Heard they are planning a GB-3. Seems those guys are a bit on the old side for that, but then Arnold Schwartzenegger is planning on another Conan movie, so what the hey..

Yep - talked to her last night and apparently her block and the next one were the only 2 in Newport that had power Monday night, so her hurricane party was quite the success. Also explains why she didn't call yesterday - a bit woozy would be my guess... Ahh well, seeing as how I did the same thing in college, can't really lecture her too much, plus she is getting excellent grades in nursing school.

Her previous neighborhood on the other side of the bay, Matunuck, had all the beachfront houses leveled so I'm glad she moved downtown..
STOP EVERYTHING! Turns out it wasnt a "Natural" storm.

"Sources confirmed to us that Hurricane Sandy that is slamming the U.S. was set off by highly advanced technologies developed by the heroic Iranian regime that supports the resistance, with coordination of our resistive Syrian regime," pro-government group News Network of the Syrian Armed Forces said in a Facebook posting.

"This is the punishment for whoever dares to attack Syria's (Bashar) al-Assad and threaten peace and stability."

Various factions of pro-government and anti-government groups regularly use social media to spread their message.

And here we are worrying about their nuclear weapons program when they have had the power to control the weatehr the whole time.

Good result.

I hope the rest of you caught up in this are now dry and hopefully your power is back on ... your house in one piece and your helping your fellow neighbours and friends to get back on their feet.

I was sorely tempted to buy a 5KVA genset after the last time we lost power here ... and that was only for 30hrs.

Some people there are going to be without power or basics for a couple of weeks.

I hope the national guard etc are pitching in and someone is putting the women and children up as the number one priority.

Be careful OMG_73, do not get sucked into stories planted by the liberals in New Jersey, they are a very sneaky and weaselly bunch. They plant rumors like this to incite any kind of sympathy towards the unprepared people who are crying about not having power or that generate any pro union rhetoric.

Update to the above story...Huntsville, Joe Wheeler utilities deny claims of union discrimination during Sandy response

There is little to no chance of any crew being turned away because any utility companies that would assist in New Jersey ALREADY KNOW that they must be a Union shop. But the fact is, non-union shops are used to help with restoration efforts.



I had a 1.2KW portable generator left over from working on my present house while under construction (builder was quite anxious to sell, so I was able to install a central vac system and other goodies on the cheap, but needed a generator to run the power equipment). That's sufficient to run 2 refrigerators plus a small window AC unit that I bought this summer during the 4-day blackout, but just barely. I was about the only person in my immediate neighborhood with a generator, which I found surprising - quite a few people just up and went to hotels or out of town for the duration. The generator cost maybe $300 and I used maybe $30 of gas keeping it running, but with $400 at least of frozen foods it was worth it, esp. since I already paid for the generator.

From the news reports, the biggest problem people are facing is the shortage of gasoline (aka "petrol"), and people cutting into long lines to get gas. Not many gas stations functioning the first few days plus refilling their underground tanks is proving to be a problem as deliveries are scarce..

IMO, this is a preview of what things would be like if the bottom fell out - makes me want to go buy some guns and be like Riser, OMG, etc 😀..
Hahaha...I was thinking the same thing watching the NYC news.

The survivors in New York City would tear each apart if an apocalyptic event ever occurred.

If you have no guns, I recommend starting with the basic three; 12ga pump shotgun, pistol (9mm, .40S&W, or .45ACP), and a semi-auto rifle (5.56 like an AR-15, or 7.62x39 like an AK47).

For the shotgun, I recommend the Mossberg 500 series; the 590 is the same model they sold to the military. For the pistol, I recommend a Glock in the mentioned calibers. For the semi-auto rifle any major AR-15 maker (Bushmaster, LMT, Stag, Rock River Arms, and there are more) with upper receivers chambered for 5.56 because then you can shoot both .223 and 5.56.

Opinions will vary (greatly) on the above recommendations, but Mossberg and Glock both make simple to operate and very reliable arms. The AR-15 is probably the most versatile semi-auto platform ever made; with one lower receiver you can outfit multiple upper receivers depending on usage, i.e.; 24inch 1:9 twist bull barrel using 75gr bullets with telecopic sights for distance or a 16inch 1:12 twist barrel using 42gr for close quarters. Instead of the AR-15, you can opt for an AK47, also a great choice but the biggest down side to an AK is the ammo, 7.62x39 is not native to the United States; the idea being that 5.56 and .223 are standard issue to police and military as well as a popular hunting round and may be more widely available compared to 7.62x39. But then again, you can buy 1000rds of 7.62x39 for about $60-$100 cheaper than 5.56/.223, depending on the ammo maker.

But all that's just my $.02...

Everyone is acting like it is the end of the world.
People screaming: 'we are all going to die!'
Gas is rationed because there is no electricity for gas pumps
People robbing stores, pharmacies, each other.

All this from a stupid storm.

Learn from the Japanese:

Help the elderly, young, and sick
Do Not matter what
Show respect and dignity to fellow humans
Honor you family and name for others
Service to others leads to faster repairs in the heart

It was worse in Nawlins, where they shot at any incoming helps.
They told Bush to stay away, as NY mayor told Obama as well.

We think this society is so mature, so strong, yet just pull the plug, and people not only die, they kill.
Why are we as Americans assholes and little shits to each other over stupid trivial events that have no life threatening impact on us? Why cannot we care for those who are elderly, young, and sick?

Why return to the devastation? why not wait until everything is clear and dry. Where there is potential power. 85% of the nation is still powered? It baffles me. They are not the only Americans here!

If a massive quake rocked Cali, I bet you trillions that a majority of cali's would head north the Oregon and Washington and stay in the Portland/Seattle area along the I-5 corridor for weeks if not months until power returned, food was provided by the US government and private citizens, and bulldozers were ready to clean.

Either that, or I am full of crap on my reasoning.
Hahaha! Not in New York City! Not sayong they don't have guns but NYC does have of the strictest gun laws.

Reports are that sporting goods, hardware, and Home Depots/Loews have sold out machetes and baseball bats. People are using whatever they can to prevent looters and con-men.

Some folks may not want to admit it but when you remove the infrastructure that holds society together, civil society and civil people quickly disappear.
Have family leaving in Boston - it is pretty crapy not being able contacting them and follow all these news on TV!

^ What's surprising to me is the absolute lousy job the power companies are doing to assuage people's concerns - I've heard reports that a couple never answer their problem call-in lines or have even disconnected them..
That happens when you send away workers because they're not Union. NYC has a paper trail kicking them out, NJ workers didn't have the full paperwork but they went to other areas. You can't afford to send dozens of workers and trucks away from hard hit areas.

Then again, you also hear reports of people attacking the power company employees. They're under extreme pressure and bad conditions to get this stuff working. It really shows how outdated our electrical grid really is.