Hyper Threading - On or off for overclocking


Jul 25, 2011
So I've been reading a bit about Hyper Threading and overclocking but it really isn't clear if you should turn it on or off. What I'm wondering is does it really make a difference? Should you leave it on or off if you are a gamer?

From what I read turning if off can somehow help your overclock stability and also reduce temperatures. Any disadvantage?

Any solid information on this would be really appreciated :)
You will have paid extra for a CPU with hyperthreading, why would you turn it off?

If you're overclocking just to see how far you can go, I guess you could disable HT while OCing. Otherwise leave it on.
you should NEVER turn off hyper threading because it enables your cpu to have 2X the physical cores in a virtual mode.
this being said it doesn't impact overclocking too much(~50-100 mhz) and the gains w/ hyperthreading are waay better than a few mhz in plus!
What is your point in overclocking? If the point is to increase performance of your CPU, you will do better to leave Hyper Threading on, even if this results in a lower overall clock speed, as the increase from the extra thread handling HT gives you will be greater than the speed you will lose by enabling the HT.

If your only goal is single threaded performance, then yes, disabling HT for a higher overall clock would be the correct route to go, but since the majority of computing favors the ability to handle more threads rather than less, it's highly unlikely the meager gains you would see in single threaded performance will be worthwhile.