Question Hyperthreading Issues

Jul 14, 2020
I currently run an i7-3770 and have had some issues with my hyperthreading. Some games would make my computer blue screen, whereas others don't. When I turn of hyperthreading, I have no more crashes, it runs just fine. I changed motherboards and it still does it. I simply decided to turn it off completely until I could find what could be causing this and a way to fix it. My motherboard drivers are up to date and the max temp that the cpu reaches when stress testing is 75-80 degrees. Any ideas on what could possibly be the cause?
full system spec? include make and model of the psu

check cpu temp under load?

cpu: i7 3770
gpu: gtx 1070
psu: 600 watts -> tr2 series thermaltake (model: tr2-600nl2nc)
ram: 16gb ddr3
256gb ssd, 1TB HDD and 512 HDD.

The max temp that the cpu reaches when stress testing is 75-80 degrees. The computer crashes when playing specific games such as GTA V or when rendering in Premiere Pro. Not every application crashes the whole computer, only a few. When turning off hyperthreading, the computer has no more problems.
80 is high. clear the cooler, redo the thermal paste

Wouldn't the cpu just throttle down the speed if it's actually too hot? What the computer does is stop responding or gives a blue screen. When I turn off hyper-threading, the programs that would normally make the computer crash are running fine. Is the difference in temperature between using hyper-threading and not that great that it makes the pc crash? I'll clean up the cooler and redo the pasting, but if the problem persists what do you reckon could be the cause?