iqvl :
Get an i7 only if more than 50% of your time are spent on multithreading jobs such as video encoding.
I have actually recently bought an i7 860 which will be used mostly for virtualization of operating systems. I think that it will do well even when running many simultaneous virtual machines.
ricno :
From both the whitepaper above and from other sources it is mentioned that on older HT systems if running threads on both logical CPU's the performance gain would be around 10-30% compared to physical processors/cores. Do you know if this is changed with the Nehalems?
GhislainG :
It depends on how well threaded an application is and certainly other factors.
I am mostly asking from a theoretical point of view, as it will of course be different in a real situation of how a certain application is written in terms of multithreading.
Let as say this situation:
One physical CPU with four cores and HT enabled.
We first start four single-threaded applications (for simplicity) which all are very CPU consuming. The OS should schedule these to the first logical processor of each core. Assume that they use all CPU time available and also assume that the performance of the application is "100 points".
So when running four instances we get the hypothetical score of 100 of each process. Assume now that we start another four instances of this application which all will consume all available cpu time. Now the OS scheduler will have to place these eight processes across all 8 logical CPU's.
The question is now what the "performance score" could reasonable be? The older implementation of Hyper Threading speaks about that the gain for the second logical cpu would be 10-30%, but I wonder how the newer Nehalem cpus will perform.
(Of course it is impossible to say anything specific in a made-up situation, but is it still 30% or is it 50% or anything other?)