[SOLVED] I’m so stressed out, cpu spins, gpu spins, but psu stops spinning after 2 seconds, then system restarts and repeats process


Nov 23, 2016
IDK why but some stuff has been cropped such as the gpu spinning, but basically, I turn on the machine, led light works, cpu spins. Psu spins for 2 seconds then stops. Then after a while it does a restart of the process. Same thing repeat to eternity tilll i turn the power off in the psu button, is this a faulty psu? (I did get it off eBay...)
Or maybe it’s a faulty mobo? But if the mobo was faulty the cpu fan wouldn’t spin right? And neither the gpu?
Also idk why but my case fans aren’t spinning(I heard they’re connected to some special thing for this case, phantom NZXT 410)
P.S. my psu doesn’t have molex cable but my case did come with something that is supposed to connect to one.
Also excuse my cable management, but the cables on this psu weren’t flexible at all, so I had to settle to do it this way.

My specs are:
Asrock am4 ab350 (ebay purchase )
Ripjaws ddr4 2400 16 gb (2x8) silver from Newegg
Gtx 1050
Corsair hx 650 (ebay purchase )
NZXT phantom 410 case

If the psu is faulty I just want a psu that will have everything I need with goddam flexible cables so I can do cable management .
Please let me know, this is my 2nd ever build and my heart wants to explode, I really hope I can solve this.
Thanks, dan
Not working your PC?
No problem.
We got the solution.
Buy a new one!
There was no need to buy a new PSU.
Fans were spinning for 2 seconds that means PSU was alive and kicking.
Sure the PSU may not supply the "right" voltage and that's why your PC wouldn't POST but i'd say that chance is less than 1%.
Also new MBs have a Led display giving you a code of what's wrong.
If they don't have then it should definitely beep. If you connect a beeper.
In any case no need to get a new MB also AMD can lend you a CPU for free to upgrade BIOS and you get to keep the heat sink for free .

I agree with you with the 1clip lameness on DRAM slots.
I had...
Also I tried to connect an older gpu to my older system (r7 260x) because I transferred my 1050 to the new system.
Now in my old system ALL FANS SPIN , but screen is black... and it won’t turn off unless I take cable off, but it wont do the restart thing that the new system does.
Probably what I’m guessing is that the gpu isn’t installed properly, also cpu fan is louder than it was before? I’m so lost and nervous, I do music production and I’m
Going to have to stop doing it because both of my computers won’t work...
Honestly anyone living in Long Island that is willling to come help? I’ll pay 20 or something for troubleshooting. lol
It could be the PSU but you have to test your system with another PSU in order to know for sure. That's the only way. Unless of course you have made a mistake during the installation process of your components.

This specific PSU model does come with molex cables. If the seller didn't provide them you should return it back. Your case has a fan controller that probably gets power from a molex plug. So you have to plug a molex connector in order to power the case fans. Alternatively you can purchase a SATA to molex adapter which will give you the necessary power plug. Good luck.
I could get my previous systems 500W weird ass brand psu to test it, but the cables and everything are well connected so I rather not mess it up and buy a separate psu for the new one (I want to give the old one away to my sister)
I’m a bit relaxed knowing that tomorrow I can still use my older pc (but with a slightly worse graphics card) to do some stuff.
Anyone has good psu ideas? Looking for sub 50$ with flexible cables and couple sata cables (not like the dumb hx 650 that has 1 sata cable with 4 ports worst idea I have ever seen).
I honestly might prefer a non modular one. Since I am going to be using an optical drive and the molex stuff(I just don’t use floppy) the cx 650 (grey) bronze rated from amazon for about 54ish looks good. I know 650watt is a bit overkill for my system but I might upgrade for the future.
Yes the grey Corsair CX and CXM (modular) lines are good and affordable choices. They are based on a modern platform,they are reliable and come with a 5 year warranty. Personally I'd choose the modular CXM line since I've heard that it is based on a better PSU platform. Also a modular PSU always gives you more flexibility during the hardware installation process and makes cable management and troubleshooting a lot easier. Good luck.
Also another thing that might be a problem, I’m installing a ryzen 5 2600 into a ab350 system, maybe I’m supposed to do a bios update? (Seller did say it was ryzen 2xxx ready though..)
You should check the motherboard box. If it has the Ryzen 2xxx label it probably doesn't need a BIOS update. However keep in mind that there were 2 different Ryzen 2xxx releases. In the first one AMD released the Ryzen APUs and a couple of months later it released the new Zen+ Ryzen CPUs (without graphics). So you may have gotten a motherboard with a BIOS that supports the first case CPUs but not the second one. So you have to also check that scenario and perhaps return the motherboard back and have them update the BIOS to the latest version if the new PSU doesn't solve the issue. Good luck.

You have to understand that the motherboard may be getting power from the PSU bu it's an entirely different thing to make a system successfully boot. A lot of factors take place. For example if one of the PSU's voltage rails are out of spec the PC won't boot, if the motherboard isn't sending the power OK signal back to the PSU the system won't boot, etc. A problematic but not dead PSU will provide power to leds and fans but won't be able to boot system. Of course the same can happen with a bad motherboard. In your case it's either the PSU or the motherboard and you have to determine which one is it.

Additionally you have to keep in mind that both the CPU and the motherboard may be fine but a BIOS update may be necessary in order for the motherboard to boot with this CPU. Good luck.
This could also be a short circuit somewhere in a component. Or the PSU is indeed faulty, unfortunately it's hard to test so you should try to replace the psu if it the problems still occurs you should try replace the mobo, etc, etc.
Nvm checked it today the 20/4 pin was hard to get out so I’m thinking it was put well in place. I just took the psu out, and hopefully I’ll get a different psu soon, I’m sure it’s the psu pecause everything was spinning except the case fans and the psu.
Also I have to say, installing the ram was tough, idk why but they thought it was a good idea to only have 1 clasp on one side and not the other. I had to press hard, hope I didn’t break the mobo.
okay im gonna make the purchase but it seems the psu has the 4 sata connector thing as well(hate that thing), it's almost impossible to make it work because the SSD in the tray is much farther away compared to the HDD, so what ends up happening is that the sata power cable disconnects from the SSD but stays well put in the HDD.
it seems that it has another one with 2 connectors, that one I will use for the optical drive.
I just realized something... the motherboard only has 2 sata connectors (facepalm). so that means I can't connect the optical drive, anyone knows any converters or anyway around this? (edit: I'm dumb, I can just get a PCie card for that)
also sorry for spam, but I can't delete the comments :/

AMD RYZEN 5 2600.
Yes technically the asrock ab350 wouldn't be able to support it
but the motherboard I bought was advertised as "new bios ryzen 2xxx ready"
When the cpu keeps spinning and psu stops spinning, I doubt the cpu is the problem.
but If nothing changes after psu install I'll definitely take it into consideration.
I can just take it to my local microcenter for diagnostics ($40) and solve the problem lol.
honestly I wouldn't mind changing the motherboard, wtf is this, 2 sata ports in 2018? Not the end of the world but it blows my mind how my trash apu mobo from years ago has 4 sata connectors and this one doesn't.