Well lol i am an absolute fan of w10 last beta's as it did everything better and i REALLY HATE that stupid interface
In fact i get frustrated so much in w11 which is NOT better on every front it is a pain to find tools and stuff i tinker with all the time.
So in every sense for me w11 is a HUGE FAIL period and then the endless nagging try M$ office try blah blah
Sadly M$ started to push updates which constant nagg me to switch even more now, so i actually forced it to longer update and am thinking to reinstall w10 again with a older image as i sick and tired by the replacements they do on the current w10 as well
For instance why oh why must everything be moved into APP$ freaking .......... every dot a swear word.
I do not want apps i want my stuff where i want it NOT freaking w11 bs also on w10
Sure the youth loves the new insanity but me i hate all that nonsense more and more is moved over there for no reason at all, and guess what when it happened i have to find another replacement as the new thing FAILS miserable as it now needs much more time to launch and yes has insanity never needed added SIGH
They constant nagg me to use whatever they cook up next and i seriously miss the Beta w10 so much as now more and more of that nonsense is forced upon me
So i am constant seeking other solutions which replace the new monstrousities as i do not want to use apps it is all counter productive as W11 is a hog which made me find my most used toys deep hidden about 3 to 5 more steps to get to it and that is when your lucky as some moved to be used by command prompts deeper SIGH
Slowly M$ is destroying W10 so you will get annoyed enough to go that freaking nasty W11
There is really nothing better in W11 really nothing well besides for M$ as it is fully loaded with spyware telling them every second what you push, type, read, when you poo or pee, when you clean your droplets of ... from the nose and so on it is the ultimate spyware monster that is W11 they know everthing what you do and look at anything you try to hide from them as well.
I admit W10 is slowly becoming W11 but you can still kill some of their spyware on it, but with every update they slowly change it into a w11 copy so you no longer have a reason to stay on w10
In fact they are trying to push you out of w10 as much as possible by annoying the c..p out of you.
As now on w10 they are constant moving stuff or remove handy tools for example the old snipping tool has been replaced by the much more annoying w11 version .... i actually could get the old back with some tricks but now you are stuck on that new piece of ......
I hated it so much that i actually had to search for a replacement which makes my life on fast make a screen shot again a pleasure so god bless freeware.
But i get sick and tired of them claiming 11 is better it is not besides for some people who love that new farce, nobody can tell me it is better especially my taskbar it has normally around 50 icons downunder where i click and boom can do what i want or need yes they are super small as i tend to push even more on there
Some get crazy when they look at my pc and say what the ..... you have tons of stuff on the taskbar and i answer simply you with your w11 are busy 2 minutes to find what you need, for me it takes seconds
So again NOTHING is better in w11 really nothing it is a hog
Now the most important games play much better and with higher fps on w10
So even with all the new bloatware pushed in the latest 10 upgrades it is in every way still faster, better than the monster called w11