Question I accidentally deleted my graphics card drivers from my computer, and now my computer won't boot into widows, please help!


May 5, 2020
System Specs:
Ryzen 7 2700
RX 580
Windows 10 64 Bit regular
It's a dell prebuilt btw

I was trying to play a game but it said an error and it was most likely caused by outdated drivers, and I realized that the Radeon software hasn't told me about updating my drivers in like 4 months and when I opened the software it doesn't even show that there are new drivers that I can install. But I knew for sure that there were new drivers I could install so I checked their website and saw there were new drivers, I also saw that there's a new version of their software so I decided to uninstall my drivers and software so I could install the new ones. Once I had uninstalled them I was prompted to restart my computer so the changes could go into effect. So I did, and little did I know that it messed stuff up. I'm new to computers and didn't know this would cause a problem. Once my computer was done restarting it was closed and I opened it and my monitor and my computer just wouldn't boot into windows even though it was on. My mouse and keyboard even lit up, but my monitor was just stuck on this black screen.

Here's a little background information that I decided to put in after reviewing this post. This is how it went when my computer was actually working, I would turn on my computer and monitor and the monitor would flash the brand ( Acer) then it would go to a black screen where, in the top right it would say "VGA", then "HDMI" (which is the connection I'm using) then in the middle of the screen it would show a square that says "input not supported", but after a few seconds of that I would boot into windows and everything would be fine. It would do this ever since the first time I opened my pc. But now whenever I open my monitor and computer it says all that stuff except when it shows the "input not supported square thing" it just keeps bouncing around the screen like a TV, when before when my pc actually worked the square didn't move and stayed in the middle I don't know if this extra information helps at all. I'm just hoping for someone to help me.

So far I've tried making a windows 10 boot driver and plugging it when I turned on my computer nothing changed. I also have freesync enabled.
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Have you tried a vga connection?
My computer doesn't have a vga port, someone told me to change the connection on my monitor to vga even though I didn't have that type of connection. He said it would make my pc boot into widows with only the neccasary drivers but that didn't work.
Took a quick glance from Google since it's been awhile since I had to. Spam F8 while booting from the second you hit the power button and it should give you the option to boot into safe mode. Modern computers boot fast so if you spam it you should be able to get it in time.

Chances are you will want the Safe Mode with Networking if you need to download and install the new driver.