[SOLVED] I added a second RAM stick to my custom gaming pc and now it is slower than ever

Jul 21, 2019
So I have been having some serious issues with performance of my high end custom gaming pc where everything is slow and i am getting around 2kb/s speed when copying and pasting files internally. Today I bought a second RAM stick (same model) and put it in and now my computer is running slower than it has ever run before. Why? Here are my specs. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/epjkb_games/saved/#view=6YCQZL
For two memory sticks (RAM) you should purchase a dual set.

I.e., 2 x 8GB RAM sticks. AKA "kit".

Check the motherboard's User Guide/Manual/Specs for supported configurations and install accordingly.
For two memory sticks (RAM) you should purchase a dual set.

I.e., 2 x 8GB RAM sticks. AKA "kit".

Check the motherboard's User Guide/Manual/Specs for supported configurations and install accordingly.
Sorry I thought it was implied with what I said that i bought the same ram stick. And Is checked the motherboards user guide and installed the ram in the recommended location, but its still slow.
As Ralston18 is stating, RAM modules are only guaranteed in the form sold (from the same pack). So it's a 50/50 gamble whether a new set of modules will work with the old. This is because the manufacturing of the modules changes frequently, making them the same make/model/timings is irrelevant. That is just a way to try and minimise potential conflict, but not eliminate it.